
Monday, July 3, 2017

It's Monday, What Are You Reading? July 3, 2017

Please visit the amazing blogs: Teach Mentor Texts and Unleashing Readers who host this terrific meme each week.

Happy 4th of July (almost)!
I have been busy reading lately, but not so busy posting. Here are some books I have read in recent weeks. 

I reviewed these books last week. Very fun way to play with words for pre-K-2

So FUN! A must-have! K-5

Adorable, as expected. K-4

Nonfiction picture book about one of the first coders. Loved it. Review here

An alternative to Wimpy Kid. Will make you want to do some pull ups. Grades 3-5

For fans of Matt Christopher. Grades 3-5

Full review here

Beautifully written. Grades 5+

Currently Reading

Up Next?

I hope you all enjoy the holiday with family, friends and great books!


  1. The Legend of Rock, Paper, Scissors is so cute and funny. I know several teachers who will be getting that one for their classrooms.

  2. I don't know Hattie and Hudson so I'll have to check that one out. The Legend of Rock Paper Scissors is a big hit with students at my school.

  3. I really really really want to read Grace Hopper. Unfortunately, my library doesn't have it. I loved Beyond the Bright Sea.
    Have a wonderful holiday!

  4. Happy Holiday, Gigi. So many that have been praised here. I loved Rock, Paper Scissors and have the Grace Hopper, sharing this week.

  5. Fred Bowen should really get more love! Also, I'm impressed that you're on November releases already!

  6. I bought Warrior Kid but haven't read it yet. I'm hoping it will appeal to my Wimpy Kid readers!
    You're reading more than me, I am so behind!
