
Saturday, September 24, 2016

To Burp of Not to Burp: A Guide to Your Body in Space by Dave Williams and Loredana Cunti

To Burp of Not to Burp: A Guide to Your Body in Space 
by Dr. Dave Williams and Loredana Cunti
Illustrated by Theo Krynauw
Expected Publication Oct. 11, 2016
Annick Press
56 Pages
Review copy provided by publisher

Goodreads Summary
Of all the questions astronauts are asked by kids, the most frequent one is “How do you go to the toilet in space?”
This book not only answers that question, but many others about the effect of zero gravity on the human body:

How do you brush your hair in space? What happens when you sweat? What does food taste like? The best thing is that the answers are provided by Dr. Dave Williams, a NASA astronaut who speaks from first-hand experience. Written for kids ages 7 to 10, this book uses age-appropriate language to explain the different phenomena that astronauts encounter during a mission. The bright, colorful pages, short blocks of text accompanied by photos and humorous illustrations make this a very attractive choice for young readers. The opening message from Dr. Dave empowers kids to follow his example by believing in themselves and following their dreams.

My Thoughts
True or false: People actually grow a bit taller while they are in space. TRUE! The space between vertebrae expands, making astronauts a bit taller while in space.
True of False: Astronauts do not cut their hair in space. FALSE! Electric clippers attached to a vacuum hose are used to keep hair trimmed. 

People (and especially kids) have a natural curiosity about space travel. This book answers so many questions that many want to know and some I would have never thought of. Nothing seems off limits. In fact the entire first chapter is dedicated to using the bathroom. 

The illustrator uses a black back ground with bright yellow text boxes and colorful illustrations. There are also several actual photographs with captions. Other text features include a table of context, index, and headings. 

Dr. Dave Williams is a Canadian astronaut who has completed two tours on NASA space shuttles. Loredana Cuntis is a former Senior Vice President of Children's Programming at Universal Studios. Together, with illustrator Theo Krynauw, they have created an engaging and informative resource about space travel for kids. 

The trio also has another book due out next spring. 

I am excited to add this book to my classroom collection. I would recommend To Burp or Not to Burp for grades 3-5. 

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See what others have to say about this book:
Kirkus (Starred review)


  1. Thank you for posting about this book! I went to Space Camp this summer and have been looking for something like this to share with my students!

    Primary on the Prowl

    1. Thanks Crystal! I am very glad that you found it helpful.
