
Monday, September 12, 2016

It's Monday, What Are You Reading? September 12, 2016

Please visit the amazing blogs: Teach Mentor Texts and Unleashing Readers who host this terrific meme each week.

Click on the covers to learn more about each book.

Loved this book that shows girls that they are much more than how they look. 
Ages 3-8
See my review posted yesterday here. 

This boy faces a tough decision as he tries to choose just one instrument to play.
Grades K-2.

A must-read for fall!
Ages 3-8

Will Brunhilda learn to like the feeling of being nice? 
Great for Grades K-2!
Review to come.

Get the tissues for this one. A fictionalized version of a real friendship between polars bears Gus and Ida at The Central Park Zoo. 
Grades 1-4

An absolute must-have for book lovers! Just gorgeous!

Fascinating, if kinda creepy nonfiction picture book about microbes. 
Grades 2-6

Finished Listening

Still Reading (but did not touch all week)...

What are you reading friends? 


  1. Nice looking assortment of books. I really need to read more picture books. Here is what my week was like. Happy reading!

  2. The picture books look delightful--especially the 88 Instruments. I find it fascinating how kids come to choose an instrument. I played flute and tried to talk my daughter into it, but she fell in love with cello instead.

  3. I'm reading "Wish" by Barbara O'Connor. Just about finished with it. I have absolutely LOVED this book! I've also been listening to "A Faraway Island" by Annika Thor. It's very good as well, a world war 2 story. Next up will be "Ms. Bixby's Last Day" by John David Anderson and a young adult novel called "All We Have Left" by Wendy Mills.

  4. "Beautiful" looks so good! And yes, "Ida, Always" had me running for the tissues...don't know if I could read that one aloud without sniffling!

  5. Glad you enjoyed We Were Here! I loved A Child of Books, Bella's Fall Coat and 88 Instruments too!

  6. I really enjoyed 88 Instruments, especially since my students are just starting with instrumental music. Ida, Always is beautiful, but have your tissues handy. I'm having a tough time finishing my middle grade read, but I'm looking forward to seeing what you think of The Girl Who Drank The Moon. Have a great week!

  7. I'm reading The Glass Sentence. Very interesting concept, but having a hard time staying engaged. Ben read Smile this weekend and is excited to get his hands on Sisters. Right now he's trying out City of Ember. Lucy is reading the Buddy Files with her dad and is enjoying The Never Girls on her own. Off to go add all of the books you've mentioned here to my Goodreads list!!

  8. I'm reading The Glass Sentence. Very interesting concept, but having a hard time staying engaged. Ben read Smile this weekend and is excited to get his hands on Sisters. Right now he's trying out City of Ember. Lucy is reading the Buddy Files with her dad and is enjoying The Never Girls on her own. Off to go add all of the books you've mentioned here to my Goodreads list!!

    1. So glad he is enjoying that series. Her newest book is on its way to me right now!!

  9. I've bookmarked Beautiful as a gift to get for my great niece. Thanks for the heads up about it.

  10. Love, Love, Love Oliver Jeffer's books and can't wait to read A Child of Books. I think we are going right to Amazon for this one:)

  11. I have been meaning to get We Were Here, I've heard great things about this book!

  12. That book cover of The Girl Who drank the moon is just absolutely awesome - so many great titles here that I am looking forward to reading.
