
Monday, August 22, 2016

It's Monday, What Are You Reading-August 21, 2016

Please visit the amazing blogs: Teach Mentor Texts and Unleashing Readers who host this terrific meme each week.

I know that last week was probably the last week for a long time that I will be able to read so much. School is starting soon and, although I am excited, I will miss my reading time. 
 Click on the book covers to learn more about them. 

Not your average counting book. Gorgeous illustrations that look like black and white photographs. Grades K-4.

Cure story about imaginary friends. Grades K-2.

Sort of about Shabbat, but really about togetherness and friendship! Grades 2-4

Based on a true story. Grades 1-4

A longer picture book folktale by the author of Grandfather Gandhi. Grades 2-5.
 A new book in the Mercy Watson Series.

Nonfiction Picture Books
Interesting biography of Harriet Powers who told stories through quilting. One of her quilts hangs in the Smithsonian. Grades 2-5.

You have seen this woman's photographs for sure, but you never knew who she was. Grades 2-5.

I was inspired and angered by this story of Vivien Thomas. He created a method for the first successful open heart surgery for children, but was not given credit for his discovery until much later because of his skin color. 
Grades 3-6. 

A story about the little known first subway in New York. I liked the story, but I am not a fan of this kind of illustration. 
Grades 3-6.

Really loved this story. 
For upper high school and adults.

Enjoyed the second in this series. 
Upper middle grades.
 This book will make anyone a better writing teacher!
An excellent resource on helping teachers make 
the reading/writing relationship connection.

Currently Reading

What are you reading friends?


  1. Just a quick unknown fact, Vivien Thomas was born in my town of New Iberia, LA. Few people here know of his accomplishment. I am glad the word is getting out.

  2. Oh, I just ordered Dorothea's Eyes. I'm looking forward to learning more. Also, I've been curious about Tiny Stitches but it keeps getting knocked out off my purchase pile and saved for later. Do you have it for your fourth grade library?

  3. I also read Where Are You Going Baby Lincoln this week. I think I like these Tales of Deckawoo Drive better than the original Mercy Watson series. Have you listened to The Yarn's interview with Kate? I enjoyed The Mark of the Dragonfly and so have added The Secrets of Solace to my list.

  4. Counting Lions just has the most incredible illustrations, I can't imagine having that amount of artistic talent!

  5. I have Writers Are Readers but haven't read it yet. I need to get on that!

  6. I enjoyed the bios you shared too, sad and inspiring both about Vivien Thomas. I loved Counting Lions-just gorgeous. And look forward to The Storyteller. It looks and sounds great. Thanks Gigi. Have a wonderful start to the year!

  7. You have some of my favourites here! Counting Lions, Dorothea's Eyes and Maybe Something Beautiful. A great collection of books.
