
Monday, August 15, 2016

It's Monday, What Are You Reading? August 15, 2016

Please visit the amazing blogs: Teach Mentor Texts and Unleashing Readers who host this terrific meme each week.

Click on the book covers to learn more about them. 

Picture Books
Sweet picture book about a mother and cub learning together.
Grades K-2.

A gorgeous book with parallel close 
up and panoramic illustrations. 
Grades K-3. 

Interesting story of exploring and coming home again. 
Grades K-3. 

Cute story of a father and son looking at the stars, sky and lots along the way. 
Grades K-3. 

A story about anticipation and magic. 
Grades K-4. 

See my review and enter to win a copy of this book here. Giveaway through August 16.

This community has made musical instruments 
from recycled trash and changed the lives of its children. 
Grades 2-5

 Unfortunately, I did not enjoy this one as much as A Tangle of Knots

Currently Reading

And still working on...

What are you reading friends? 


  1. I read Ada's Violin this week as well. Thanks for the other picture book recommendations. They all look wonderful.

    I felt the same way about A Clatter of Jars, but I think it's because I really wanted to continue reading about the characters in A Tangle of Knots. I'm going to try it again when I can separate the two stories in my head.

  2. Ada's Violin and The Night Gardener keep popping up as I read. I'll need to find these books. A Thousand Splendid Suns is in my book stack. What are you thinking of it? (I have a huge adult stack that I will probably never get to in my lifetime, but I keep trying...)

    1. I am really enjoying it, but I am mostly reading it because my 14 yo has to read it this summer. I do not think much of the content is appropriate for her age.

  3. Ben & I are reading To Catch a Mermaid by Suzanne Selfors. We've read many of her other books and absolutely LOVED them all. I highly recommend her Imaginary Veterinary series and her Smells Like Dog trilogy. And we also enjoyed the standalone Fortune's Magic Farm. To Catch a Mermaid is being enjoyed just as much so far!

  4. I didn't love Cricket Song as much as everyone else has. Not sure what I missed.
    I didn't love A Clatter of Jars either. I didn't relate to any of the characters like I did in Knots.

  5. Loved loved loved The Bear and the Piano.

  6. You have some of my summer favs on your list, and some new ones to me, too!I started Clatter of Jars, but then stopped. I need to go back to it. I LOVED A Thousand Splendid Suns. The only thing wrong with Khaled Hosseini is that he doesn't write books fast enough! I agree that the content is a little mature for a 14-year-old. Definitely good for an older high school age!

  7. You have a great list of some of my favorite picture books! I still need to read a Clatter of Jars. Have a super week!

  8. I loved Cricket Song. That juxtapositioning of the two children made it for me. I still have to get to Ada's violin.
