
Monday, July 25, 2016

It's Monday, What Are You Reading? July 25, 2016

Please visit the amazing blogs: Teach Mentor Texts and Unleashing Readers who host this terrific meme each week.

Click on the book covers to learn more about them. 

Very timely, but it was just ok for me. 

Cute picture book where famous artists try to paint a portrait of a beloved stuffed animal. 
Review this Tuesday. 

Finished Reading

Still Reading


What are YOU reading friends? 


  1. Thanks for posting this list. I will add them all to my TBR pile.

  2. Nice assortment of books. Come see what my week was like here. Happy reading!

  3. I've ordered When Penny Met POTUS and Painting Pepette from my library. They look like they'd be good for my students. Thanks for the suggestions and have a terrific week!

  4. Some Kind of Courage is just fantastic! I ope you are enjoying it.

  5. I just put Some Kind of Courage on hold. When all these books arrive I'm going to go crazy I think.

  6. I am just about to read Some kind of Courage - so looking forward to it!

  7. When Penny Met POTUS made me laugh, I wonder what kids would think? It's one I'd like to use with younger kids this fall!

  8. Painting Papette sounds wonderful! I love anything that promotes art though too :)
    Looking forward to hearing about Some Kind of Courage. I loved Honest Truth.

    Happy reading this week!

  9. Love that idea of Painting Pepette, Gigi, and Dan Gemeinhart's book is on my list. Many are praising it! Thanks!
