
Friday, July 22, 2016

Bucky and Stu vs. The Mikanikal Man by Cornelius Van Wright

Bucky and Stu vs. The Mikanikal Man 
by Cornelius Van Wright
Published 2015
Nancy Paulsen Books
32 Pages
Review copy provided by publisher

Goodreads Summary
It’s the adventure of a lifetime when best friends—and self-proclaimed superheroes—defeat bad guys of their own invention.

It’s wonk ’em time when Bucky and Stu have to stand up to Phat Tyre, TrashMan and Hose-Nose. No matter that the bad guys are all made out of household items that Bucky and Stu have assembled themselves—these bad guys don’t stand a chance against the boys’ power moves. Still, it’s quite a surprise when their latest villain, the giant Mikanikal Man, gets zapped during a lightning storm and comes to life! The battle—and thrill—of a lifetime ensue. Full of surprises and laughs, this upbeat, action-packed story celebrates imagination, creativity, and friendship in even the most unexpected forms. Cornelius Van Wright’s hilarious illustrations are full of surprises and are perfect for portraying the high-speed antics of two enthusiastic boys.

My Thoughts
I really liked how Bucky and Stu spend their time outside playing and using their imaginations (unless they are eating). This is something kids don't do enough in my opinion. 
Kids will enjoy watching Bucky and Stu as they try to rid their hometown (or their backyard) of bad guys or "baddies" as they call them. The two have a great friendship and work together well. Bucky understands that Stu is always hungry and Stu appreciates Bucky's creativity, especially after he makes the Mikanikal Man robot.
The story feels almost like an old super hero TV show with phrases like, "Is this THE END for our fearless heroes?" The boys even have an attack phrase, "Wonk 'Em Time!" 
The illustrations are done in water color and pencil. Each page is formatted differently with some pages containing one large illustration and others are formatted with frames like in a comic book or graphic novel. I think kids will enjoy this variety.

Bucky and Stu's adventure will appeal most to students in grades K-3.

Watch the book trailer.

Visit the author's Bucky and Stu website.

See what others have to say about this book:
Unleashing Readers

If you are interested, Cornelius Van Wright and his wife Ying-Hwa Yu are both write and illustrate children's books. Visit their website

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