
Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Nonfiction Picture Book Wednesday-Whose Eye Am I? by Shelley Rotner

My Friend Alyson Beecher at Kid Lit Frenzy hosts weekly link up to share Nonfiction Picture Books. Please visit her amazing website.

by Shelley Rotner
Published January 2016
by Holiday House
Nonfiction Picture Book
32 Pages
Review copy provided by publisher

Goodreads Summary
Who am I? ask captions alongside close-ups of colorful animal eyes. As readers guess which animal belongs to each eye, they will discover that each animal has a unique and amazing way of seeing. Snakes have clear eyelids that cannot ever open or close. Some sea creatures have hundreds of eyes around the edges of their shells. Many animals can see colors that are invisible to humans. Brimming with vivid and engaging photographs, this book also includes a clear explanation of how human eyes work, a labeled diagram of a human eye, a glossary and an index.

My Thoughts
Whose Eye am I? Offers a fun interactive way for young readers to learn about animal adaptations. Preceding each animal, the reader is shown an enlarged photograph of an animal's eye and is asked, "Who am I?".  I can see children having fun analyzing the eye to figure out the animal. On the next page the animal is revealed with information about their eyesight. Did you know that chickens have clear eyelids to protect their eyes from dirt? Me neither!

The photos and just the right amount of text work well together. 
I would recommend Whose Eye am I? to grades K-4. 

Do you know this animal? I'll never tell.


Companion Texts

Here is a quick video describing how animals see the world. 

Here is a neat list of animal eye facts.

See what others have to say about this book:


  1. After reading your post, I just realized why I've never actually read any of these--all those eyes looking at me feel creepy! I'm glad kids are braver than I.

  2. I have Jenkin's Eye to Eye, and this one will be a good compliment to it. Thanks for sharing about it, Gigi.

  3. So cool! I have a feeling this would be a great book to display on a shelf, it's so eye-catching (ha ha....)! I love books with beautiful colour photographs, they just grab kids' attention and really help inspire that natural curiosity, and help bring strange and weird concepts and creatures to life. Thanks for sharing!

  4. I love the cover. What a great set of books to pair together. That video is really interesting. I am glad I have the eyes I have.

  5. Students are going to gobble up this book. It's visually appealing in more ones than one. I think I know the answer to the final eye. :)

  6. Looks amazing for my class! I want to find a copy. I read Eye to Eye to my class last year and we really enjoyed it.
