
Monday, February 22, 2016

It's Monday, What Are You Reading? February 22, 2016

Please visit the amazing blogs: Teach Mentor Texts and Unleashing Readers who host this terrific meme each week.

I just LOVE vacation reading time! I was able to read a few middle grade novels and several picture books. My blogger friends will recognize many of the picture books from their previous posts. They have the best taste in books! Thanks for sharing friends! Click on the books to see my ratings on Goodreads. 

Picture Books

Middle Grade


Finished Listening

Currently Listening

What are you reading friends?


  1. Strawberry Girl? I remember reading that one and all the other "Girl" books by Lois Lenski when I was in Elementary School. Unfortunately the rest of the series is long out of print. I remember loving them. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  2. I was able to listen to and talk with Sara Pennypacker this weekend. After reading Pax, I had a few questions, so glad to get them answered!
    Wolf Hollow is in my soon to read stack!

  3. I really liked In A Village By The Sea, and will soon read Pax. Glad also to know about Wolf Hollow, Gigi. Glad you had a nice vacation!

  4. We are reading PAX right now and having a hard time putting it down - Love the way the chapters alternate between the boy and Pax's point of view.

  5. The Heart and the Bottle is such a special book. It's one of the first books that made me realize how integral picture books can be in a middle school or high school classroom.

  6. I just finished Pax myself. I couldn't put it down! It is a story that will stay with you long after the last page.

    ~ Sarah
    One Modern Teacher

  7. Bug in a Vacuum is such a strange little picture book, I don't know how well it will go over with kids necessarily, it's a bit of an abstract topic, but I thought it was definitely quirky!

  8. Pax is everywhere! I can't wait to experience it!

  9. Looks like there is a preponderance of foxes and wolves in this year's children's books. Can't wait to read Pax.

  10. I hadn't heard of Wolf Hollow before but it sounds excellent and emotionally intense. I definitely want to get to it, but after just finishing Pax yesterday, I think I need a few fun books in between the two! I thought Bug in a Vacuum was so unusual and wonderful. I have described it to the teens I work with and they want to read it since it's such a funny idea for a picture book.
