
Monday, February 15, 2016

It's Monday, What Are You Reading-February 15, 2016

Please visit the amazing blogs: Teach Mentor Texts and Unleashing Readers who host this terrific meme each week.

I didn't get to read much last week, but here is what I got to. Click on the book covers to go to the Goodread's page for each book.

LOOOVED this one! So many themes and applications!

Nice, simple biography. Review to come. 

A new picture book about working together and being flexible. Review soon. 

Started Listening 
Excellent so far!

Currently Reading
Love this middle grade series!

Still reading because I am reading it in small chunks to process it. 

Up next? 
So many books I want to get to!
Maybe one of these?

What are you reading friends?


  1. I trend more to YA but have heard really good things about Pax. I hope you enjoy it. Here is my week. Happy reading!

  2. My daughter read Sounder, I think in the 4th grade, when she was still attending her international school - and she really felt very deeply about the story. So many awesome wolves in middle grade literature as of recent, I think.

  3. I loved Little Tree, too, Gigi, a lovely story. Heave Ho looks like one I'd like to read, and thanks for sharing the title Just Like Me. I will look for it when it comes out!

  4. I know that lots of people I follow say that Pax is terrific! Looking forward to seeing what you think of it. Have a super week!

  5. I remember reading Sounder in school as well, but I haven't read it since, might be worth a reread!

  6. You will LOVE Pax! I can't wait for May when I'll finally have a copy of Wolf Hollow, either.

  7. Thanks for so great titles to check out! So nice of you to share!~

  8. Read Pax next! It is an incredible read. :)

  9. We read a copy of Little Tree while sitting in a bookstore in Columbus, Ohio. We grabbed two copies so we could each have one - What a wonderful book. Pax is on our TBR list too!

  10. I'm going to see Loren Long this weekend so I really need to read Little Tree!
    I'm going to recommend Pax. It's a must read (don't listen to Susan or Jason on this one, ha ha!)

  11. Wasn't Little Tree special? I loved it also :)
    I've heard so much about Pax--everyone loves it!

    Happy reading this week :)

  12. Look at all of those possible reads ahead! I want to read Pax too.
