
Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Nonfiction Picture Book Wednesday-January 27, 2016

My Friend Alyson Beecher at Kid Lit Frenzy hosts weekly link up to share Nonfiction Picture Books. Please visit her amazing website.

Two Friends:Susan B. Anthony and Frederick Douglass
by Dean Robbins
Illustrated by Sean Qualls and Selina Alko
Published Jan. 5, 2016
Orchard Books
Nonfiction Picture Book
32 Pages
Review copy (F&G) provided by publisher.

Goodreads Summary
Two friends, Susan B. Anthony and Frederick Douglass, get together for tea and conversation. They recount their similar stories fighting to win rights for women and African Americans. The premise of this particular exchange between the two is based on a statue in their hometown of Rochester, New York, which shows the two friends having tea.

My Thoughts
I love reading books where I learn something new. While I knew a bit about each of these two important Americans, I did not realize they were friends and worked to help each other. The text contains a bit written on present tense as the friends sit down for tea and some information written in past tense about their childhoods and what they wanted to change. I did wish the book included more specific information about each person as it seemed a bit brief. 
The illustrations are wonderful. The two illustrators included actual quotes in collage form. which I thought worked very well. 
I would recommend Two Friends for Grades 1-4. 

                                                                                                                                                                                                              Photo taken of the F&G

Possible Companion Text

Here is a very short video showing the sculpture of the Two friends having tea. 

See what others have to say about Two Friends.


  1. I enjoyed Friends for Freedom, so I know I want to read Two Friends. Thanks for bringing it to our attention!

  2. I have this from the library! I'm hoping to get to it this weekend. I love Sean Qualls illustrations :)

  3. Hopefully I'll be able to find this at my library, Gigi. Thanks for sharing your thoughts about it.

  4. I want to read the other new Frederick Douglass NFPB that also just came out recently- late 2015: Frederick's Journey: The Life of Frederick Douglass

  5. What an interesting story. Sadly I don't think many kids at my library would be familiar with either of these great figures, but that doesn't mean I can't still share this story with them!

  6. My library hasn't purchased this yet. I just sent a purchase suggestion to them.

  7. I found out about this friendship when reading the other picture book Friends for Freedom. I'm eager to see this one too. The video was a nice addition to the post. Thanks!

  8. I'll be looking for this title Gigi.
