
Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Nonfiction Picture Book 2015 Round Up

My Friend Alyson Beecher at Kid Lit Frenzy hosts weekly link up to share Nonfiction Picture Books. Please visit her amazing website.

It has been far too long since I paid attention to my blog and post much of anything. Today I would like to share five of my favorite nonfiction picture books from 2015. I have not provided a review, but click on the title to learn more about each book. It was very hard to narrow it down, but here they are in no particular order. 

by Matt Tavares

by Lindsay Mattick
Illustrated by Sophie Blackwell

by Laurel Snyder
Illustrated by Julie Morstad

by Rebecca Langston-George
Illustrated by Janna Bock

by Charles R. Smith
Illustrated by Shane W. Evans

Ok, so I said it was hard to narrow it to 5 so here are a few more.

What were your favorites?


  1. I practically did the same thing with Fave Books of 2015. I picked one or two and just threw in some more because it was so hard to choose!

  2. I hear you on the narrowing down . . . I started with ten and then the list grew to 15 and then 20! I just got Tree of Wonder and One Plastic Bag from the library. Looking forward to reading them both.

  3. Wonderful books here, Gigi! I have not read the Malala story and my library doesn't have it. I'll be on the look out for it!

  4. Even when you give yourself more titles it is still hard to pick. Thank you for participating in the challenge this year.
