
Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Nonfiction Picture Book Wednesday-Frozen Wild: How Animals Survive in the Coldest Places on Earth by Jim Aronsky

My Friend Alyson Beecher at Kid Lit Frenzy hosts 
weekly link up to share Nonfiction Picture Books. Please visit her amazing website.

by Jim Aronsky
Published September 2015
Sterling Children's Books
40 Pages
Review copy provided by publisher

Goodreads Summary
Quietly it comes—the dark and chill of winter. And in the snow-covered fields and forests, the great northern plains, vast stretches of frozen tundra, and icy polar regions, wild animals have to survive day after day, night after night, out in the cold. How do they do it? Kids can bundle up and join award-winning author, illustrator, and naturalist Jim Arnosky as he follows the tracks of otters, beavers, moose, polar bears, killer whales, penguins, fur seals, and other creatures to discover more about their lives during this frigid season. Arnosky's stunning art includes five magnificent foldouts that reveal worlds under the ice and at the farthest, frostiest reaches of the globe.

My Thoughts
This is a topic that fascinates me. It is astonishing how these animals survive such extreme cold. Jim Aronsky has done his homework for sure. Each page is packed with information. Did you know that foxes, lynx, and bobcats grow fur on the bottom of their paws so they act like snow shoes in the winter? And porcupines travel the same route daily to wear a trail in the snow making it easier and safer to travel? 
The information is great, and the illustrations are equally wonderful. Just look at that cover! Kids will also love the pages that fold out revealing more animal information. 
Because the text is very dense and quite long, I would recommend this one for upper elementary. 

Pair it with:

See what others have to say about Frozen Wild.
Reviewed by Mom
Publishers Weekly


  1. I think about this every winter when I see little critters outside. Thanks for highlighting what looks like a great book (and fun pairings)!

  2. I have this book to review too! I loved Arnosky's book about sea life so I'm excited to get to this one.

  3. Wonderful titles to pair this book with Gigi! I love Arnosky's work.

  4. This sounds marvelous, Gigi. I'll be sure to look for it. Thanks for the pairings too.

  5. This post reminds me I have yet to read Kate Messner's Over and Under the Snow.

  6. Jim Arnosky does stunning work, indeed. Thanks for this reminder, Gigi.

  7. Great pairings! I automatically connected it with Winter Bees :) Thank you for the introduction to Jim Arnosky.

  8. Oooh - the cover is beautiful! I love the books you suggested to pair it with.
