
Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Nonfiction Picture Book Wednesday-Emmanuel's Dream

My Friend Alyson Beecher at Kid Lit Frenzy hosts weekly link up to share Nonfiction Picture Books. Please visit her amazing website.

by Laurie Ann Thompson
Illustrated by Sean Qualls
Published 2015 by Schwartz and Wade
40 Pages
Nonfiction Picture Book
Obtained from public library

Goodreads Summary

This inspirational picture book biography, written by Laurie Ann Thompson and illustrated by Sean Qualls, tells the true story of Emmanuel Ofosu Yeboah, who bicycled across Ghana--nearly 400 miles--with only one leg. With that achievement he forever changed how his country treats people with disabilities, and he shows us all that one person is enough to change the world. 

My Thoughts
I loved everything about this book. Emmanuel Ofosu Yeboah is an inspiration and reading his story made me want to get up and just DO something!  These days, talking about grit is all the rage and Emmanuel is grit personified. This is a person who hopped to school on one leg for 2 miles as a child. HOPPED!! Incredible! Children will be amazed and inspired by his determination and resilience. 
I like how the story started with his birth and showed how his father left the family because of his disability. His mother's love and determination made all the difference for Emmanuel. The reader tags along watching Emmanuel overcome obstacle after obstacle. There are many opportunities for discussions about disabilities and challenges in the classroom. 
This is a book I will certainly share with my 4th graders. I would recommend it for grades 2+. 


  1. I too loved this book. It is a fantastic book for talking about making a difference.

  2. This is such a special book for me! My daughter and I wrote the Nerdy post for it back in January. Since my daughter has a physical disability, it's so important for me to find books she can see herself in. She doesn't know anyone locally with the same kind of physical disability so I love finding some in books. Of course her experiences are different than Emmanuel's, but her writing about them were amazing. We met the author this summer, which was also very special. Glad you enjoyed the book!

  3. This was truly an inspiring book.

  4. Such a wonderful story! Emmanuel is an amazing inspiration!
