
Saturday, July 18, 2015

Celebrate This Week-July 18, 2015

Every week, Ruth Ayres over at Discover. Play. Build. invites people to share celebrations from their week.  Please visit and consider linking up your own celebration. 

Thanks to Ruth for providing a platform for me to share my big and small celebrations. 

Today I am catching up on a few celebrations from the last couple of weeks. 

Girls Weekend
Last weekend I went to an annual "girls weekend". This is one weekend each year where I get together with friends from high school on a gorgeous lake here in Maine. The weekend was a picture perfect summer weekend with lots of sunshine and low humidity. Twelve of us "girls" spent floating on the lake and catching up on what is happening in our lives. There was talk of kids getting ready to head to college and others facing the challenges of middle school. Of course there was also much eating, drinking and much laughing. When was the last time you laughed so hard you cried? 

Learning New Stuff
I spent the last 5 days in a graduate class on assessment at The University of Southern Maine. Although it is tough to miss out on some of the few warm, sunny days here, I enjoyed this class very much. I love learning new things, but I especially enjoy learning among really smart and dedicated educators. The twelve of us spent the week learning more about assessment for learning with lively discussions and challenging perspectives. It was an invigorating experience has me rethinking the ways I will teach and measure learning going forward. 

A Weekend at Home
Today I celebrate being with my family. After over a week of being gone, I am very happy to be able to hang out with my family this weekend. Today is a rainy day and I am welcoming the chance to talk, read, watch movies and just be home. 

What are YOU celebrating this week? 


  1. Gigi,
    I like the idea of a girls weekend. That sounds really fun. Even when I get together with friends and we are having a girls night out we are cracking up. Laughing with friends does so much for the soul! Hope you enjoy your time with family today.

  2. Three very good things, Gigi. I'm happy you had your girls' weekend. That in itself is inspiration for a long time. The class sounds great, and now being home relaxing, the best of all. Have a terrific rest of the weekend!

  3. I love the idea of a girls weekend! One of these days I'm going to get my high school friends together to float, drink, and laugh. Sounds perfect.

  4. I'm also spending this week reconnecting with friends and family. What a wonderful experience!

  5. I'm also spending this week reconnecting with friends and family. What a wonderful experience!

  6. I can imagine that your family is happy to have you back! Your course sounds wonderful and inspiring.

  7. I love learners! And to miss days of sunshine, that shows serious passion. Glad you're home now enjoying your family and books.

  8. Spending time with friends and enjoying laughter together, definitely something to celebrate. And then to hear your passion for learning and your joy at being home with family this weekend. Way to go with fabulous celebrations!

  9. I'm celebrating with you today for good weather, friends, learning, and family.
