
Monday, June 22, 2015

It's Monday, What Are You Reading? June 22, 2015

Please visit the amazing blogs: Teach Mentor Texts and Unleashing Readers who host this terrific meme each week.

I have not posted an IMWAYR since the end of May!!! Here are the books I have read recently. 
Click on the covers to learn more about them.

This book is on the Maine Student Book Award list for 2015-16. Great middle grade sci-fi fantasy. 

Loved this newest book by the amazing Cynthia Lord! 

Currently Reading
By another fabulous Maine Author, Megan Frazer Blakemore!

Currently Listening

So happy to finally be on vacation so I can read more!
What Are YOU Reading Friends?


  1. I enjoyed The Iron Trial too. I haven't read any of the rest. Come see my YA week here. Happy reading!

  2. You've got some great titles on your list that I have yet to read. Can't wait to get a chance to read them!

  3. I want to read A Handful of Stars too! Who can resist a book with a cute dog on the cover?

  4. These are all new titles for me. Thanks!

  5. Just finished A Handful of Stars - what a great read!

  6. I have all of your books in my TBR stacks!!! A Handful of Stars is one I really want to get to :) I am enjoying Rules! I knew I would, there's always so many books to get to, inevitably, I miss some!

  7. I keep hearing about Iron Trials. I need to bump it up on the TBR list. As well as Saving Lucas Biggs. It's on our state list next year.I don't think I've heard of A Handful of Stars but the author's track record means I need to add it to my list!

  8. Thank you so much. We can't wait to read A Handful of Stars. We are huge Cynthia Lord fans.

  9. I want to look into "A Handful of Stars." It looks like my kind of middle-school age book that I like to read and can then suggest to some children I may be tutoring in reading. Thanks.
    ~ linda @ The Reader and the Book

  10. Like everyone else, your books are one's that I am looking forward to reading this summer vacation (which doesn't officially begin here in Vancouver for another week. I love Megan Frazer Blakemore's work.

  11. Happy vacation, friend! I loved the cover of Saving Lucas Biggs. I am intrigued and will have to check it out! I hope you have a great week!

  12. I just arrived from vacation while everyone seems to be blogging about the start of theirs! I am so envious! :) Saving Lucas Biggs looks like a book I'd enjoy.
