
Saturday, May 2, 2015

Celebrate this Week-Special Olympics 2015

Every week, Ruth Ayres over at Discover. Play. Build. invites people to share celebrations from their week.  Please visit and consider linking up your own celebration. 

Thanks to Ruth for providing a platform for me to share my big and small celebrations. 

It has been quite some time since I have posted a celebration post, not because I have had nothing to celebrate, but just since life is racing at lightning speed. 

Today I celebrate the Special Olympics, more specifically my son, TJ's day at the Special Olympics. Once a year our family dons our "Team TJ" shirts and gathers to watch our boy participate in track and field events. No big deal right? Well, maybe not for a lot of families, but for us, the day is HUGE. TJ is nine and has moderate autism. He is not on sports teams or in clubs. He has even stopped participating in school concerts so this is literally the one day each year where we can watch him in any kind of performance.
The day is a celebration for individuals, school and families. Everyone cheers for each other and the atmosphere is loud and festive. These Olympians are rock stars! 
My heart swells as I watch him run, jump, throw and give high fives. To see the happiness and pride on his face is indescribable. Watching the way his sister, Molly, cheers for him and helps him throughout the day makes me well up with gratitude. 

I would also like to celebrate the many adult volunteers and coordinators that make this event possible. Thank you for giving our amazing children a chance to shine! 
Looking forward to next year!


  1. Way to go, TJ!!!! I love the video of the broad jump. He certainly looks like he's having fun. What a wonderful experience for TJ and your entire family. Thank you so much for sharing!!

  2. Special Olympics always provides such a terrific experience for kids and their families! Glad you had a fun day!

  3. Love seeing the pictures & TJ so happy. That last video is wonderful, Gigi. Happy for you all & congratulations to TJ!

  4. Special Olympics is just that, special. I love watching these students excel and be so happy.

  5. GO TJ! It's so wonderful to see our kids in that fully engaged whole body experience. It pulls at your heart. My kids were competitive swimmers and I saw years of their swimming. I loved every minute.

  6. I have a book club with adults with disabilities and it is one of the most rewarding things I do. So, I am so glad you have shared this today. What a special day for everyone! Congratulations to TJ!

  7. Hooray for TJ...and his special family.

  8. So great to have Special Olympics available. I remember volunteering for Special Olympics several times in high school and it was an amazing day. I can only imagine the joy for families of the participants. Congrats to TJ :)
