
Monday, April 13, 2015

It's Monday, What Are You Reading: April 13, 2015

Please visit the amazing blogs: Teach Mentor Texts and Unleashing Readers who host this terrific meme each week.

Here are the books I read this week. Click on the covers to learn more about them.

It's not much but...

Really loved this graphic novel. Review later this week. 

Pages away from finishing...
and it is awesome!

Currently Listening

What are YOU reading friends? 


  1. Oh, I do so want to read Echo...but it's looking like one for the summer pile. :(

  2. I need to get to Roller Girl soon! Especially since I'm leading a Graphic Novel workshop for teachers this summer.

  3. I have Echo, but when? It does sound very good, Gigi. Thanks!

  4. I've got those first two on my to read list, and have just added The Luck Uglies. It sounds delightfully wacky and compelling.

  5. I adored Roller Girl too! Echo is up next for me, Jason and Lesley keep yelling at me to read it!

  6. I have Roller Girl and Echo on my TBR for sure. They both look great. :)

  7. I so want to read Echo. Just keep reading rave rave reviews! Happy reading this week.

  8. Just got Roller Girl--looking forward to reading it over the next week or two.
