
Sunday, February 1, 2015

Stack-It-Up Sunday-February 1, 2015

On infrequent Sundays I like to share some of the random piles of books around my house. I originally posted about my piles on this celebration post.  Along with showing everyone how messy my house is, I like to share because each pile has its own story.

The Jack at the Helm books are waiting for me to 
read and review them next to Stella by Starlight, which was amazing! 

 Adorable Dory Fantasmagory is on a side table. 

In my reading nook sits Kate Messner's Real Revision.

 One of TJ's faves in the sun room.

Molly's Doctor Who book and TJ's Tyrannosaurus Reg on the couch. 

These stacks are coming to school with me tomorrow. I truly hope A River of Words gets some sort of shiny sticker tomorrow!

What Books Are in YOUR Stacks Friends?

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