
Monday, February 9, 2015

It's Monday, What Are You Reading?-February 9, 2015

Please visit the amazing blogs: Teach Mentor Texts and Unleashing Readers who host this terrific meme each week.

Here are the two books I read this week. Click on the covers to learn more about them.

The picture book adaptation of Fatty Legs. Nice story of determination and 
the power of reading. Nice read aloud for grades 1-4.

Really loved this new one by Jennifer Richard Jacobson. 
A very touching story. Great for grades 4-8. Review to come.

Currently Reading
I LOVE anything by Lisa Graff so I was thrilled to see a new title. I am only a couple of chapters in, but this story is very intriguing so far. Thank you to my friend Jason Lewis for lending it to me. 

What Are You Reading Friends?


  1. I always enjoy looking at middle grade titles. It keeps me connected to my 10 year old reader at home. Paper Things looks intriguing. Thank you for sharing!

  2. Paper Things is one I'll look for, Gigi. Thanks for these middle grade titles-will share too!

  3. Looking at both Paper Things and the new Graff titles. So much coming out in the spring, but I'm running out of books to blog NOW!

  4. ooo, I'm a big Lisa Graff fan too but I hadn't heart of Lost in the Sun yet. Definitely putting that on my to-read list!

  5. The Graff ARC has been sitting on my shelf staring at me since NCTE. Really need to get to it!

  6. Oh boy, a new Lisa Graff! Wish I knew how to get my hands on ARCs!

  7. Paper Things looks very good. We are reading Small Elephant right now with my student book club and shared this title with them. Will have to get it for our school library when it is released.

  8. I was glad to have When I Was Eight. Our fourth grade does a unit about memoir and there aren't so many of those in picture book format. It's also helpful for showing a part of US history that doesn't always get taught (Native American residential schools).

  9. Haven't read anything by Graff yet. I really need to!!!
    I didn't know about When I Was Eight either. Thank you.

    Happy reading this week! :)

  10. I am also embarrassed to say I haven't read any Lisa Graff, but I do own A Tangle of Knots. Thank you for making me aware that I need to pull it off of my shelf! I hope you have a fantastic week!

  11. I have enjoyed all the books Christy Jordan Fenton and Margaret Pokiak Fenton have created. They tell a harsh story in a relatively benign way. The history of residential schools here in Canada and in the USA isn't really dealt with in student literature much. I look forward to your review of Paper Things and Lost in the Sun.

  12. SO excited to see the picture book version of Fatty Legs! I am going to get this for our library this week! Paper Things looks very interesting - I look forward to hearing more about this one! Thanks, Gigi!

  13. Hmm.... grades 4-8 is the sweet spot for my students. Does that mean there wasn't much mature content? I'll look for your review!

  14. I can't wait to get to the new Lisa Graff. Jason and I picked it up at NCTE, but just haven't had the chance to get to it yet!

  15. I haven't read any of Lisa Graff's novels as yet - I am looking forward to reading more middle grade novels this year.
