
Friday, January 23, 2015

A Review of Rain Reign by Ann M. Martin

Rain Reign 
by Ann M. Martin
Published 2014 by Feiwel & Friends
240 Pages
Middle Grade Realistic Fiction
Ages 9-12 (from the publisher)
Review copy provided by the publisher

Goodreads Summary
Rose Howard has OCD, Asperger’s syndrome, and an obsession with homonyms (even her name is a homonym). She gave her dog Rain a name with two homonyms (Reign, Rein), which, according to Rose’s rules of homonyms, is very special. Rain was a lost dog Rose’s father brought home. Rose and Rain are practically inseparable. And they are often home alone, as Rose’s father spends most evenings at a bar, and doesn’t have much patience for his special-needs daughter.
Just as a storm hits town, Rain goes missing. Rose’s father shouldn’t have let Rain out. Now Rose has to find her dog, even if it means leaving her routines and safe places to search. Rose will find Rain, but so will Rain’s original owners.

Hearts will break and spirits will soar for this powerful story, brilliantly told from Rose’s point of view.

My Thoughts
Rain Reign is absolutely a favorite from 2014. I fell in love with Rose as she tells her story as only she can. Rose has several of the stereotypical traits of many people with Asperger's syndrome including intense interests and/or obsessions and a desire for predictability. Ann M. Martin approaches the condition with respect and has obviously done her research in creating such an endearing and believable main character. I believe that Asperger's syndrome is one of the most confusing disabilities for other students to understand as the individual does not usually "look" as though they have a disability. With a need for order and following the rules, students with Asperger's syndrome can often seem like they are tattling when they insist that others follow the rules. This book provides students with a look inside the thinking processes of someone with the condition. This could increase their understanding and in turn their compassion for people with Asperger's. There is much opportunity for discussion throughout Rose's story.
One of Rose's intense interests is homonyms. She often inserts the homonym(s) for words next to them in her story. I can imagine having a big unit studying homonyms as a class when reading Rain Reign aloud. I thought it would be distracting, and it was a first, but it just becomes part of the way Rose talks. 
I have to admit, I found myself getting very upset with Rose's father who seemingly has no compassion or patience for Rose or her disability. Thankfully she has her uncle who is just the opposite. He spends time with her and talks about the things that interest her. I loved their sweet relationship. 
I really could go on and on gushing about how much I love Rain Reign. Ann M. Martin has created another gift for her readers. 


  1. We too loved this book! Thanks for sharing your thoughts!
    Clare and Tammy

  2. This is so coincidental. I just started Rain Reign today and I can't put it down. The voice is so authentic and somehow you get caught up and you can't let Rose go. I'm glad to hear your review that you feel Ann M. Martin treats the subject respectfully. Such a difficult condition for the child and those around them. We all need to learn more so that we can be more understanding.
