
Sunday, November 30, 2014

Stack-It-Up Sunday, November 30

On Sundays I like to share some of the random piles of books around my house. I originally posted about my piles on this celebration post.  Along with showing everyone how messy my house is, I like to share because each pile has its own story.

Here are this week's stacks.
This stack contains part of my recently funded Donors Choose Project!

 Here are more.

 This stack has some of my NCTE books signed by the authors!

 My behind-the-couch stack has some NCTE books and some from Donor Choose. I can't wait to bring these to school tomorrow!

My picture book pile is in my reading nook. I am giving away my copy of My Yellow Balloon here (giveaway runs until Dec. 4).

What Books are in YOUR Stacks Friends?

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