
Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Slice of Life Post-Fall in Maine and Family Time

Each Tuesday the amazing bloggers at Two Writing Teachers host Slice of Life Stories (SOLS). This is where bloggers link up to share anything they would like to share about what is happening in their lives. 

It has been quite a while since I have posted a SOLS post.  Believe me, I have been meaning too, but this September has just been CRAZY!! I can't promise to make it weekly, but I am going to try my best to be a little more consistent. 

Fall in Maine
Anyone who has been to Maine in Early October can tell you that it is just beautiful! The foliage is at its peak and the weather is still gorgeous. It's warm enough, but that lovely fall chill is in the air. My family has been trying to enjoy the fall since it just passes by far too quickly. Last week we went apple picking. Although it was a freakishly warm (80 degree) day, we had a wonderful time picking apples and enjoying cider donuts with extended family. This year TJ was far more interested than he has been in years past so that made it more fun. It also made us purchase lots more apples since he would not stop picking. It was also great to have our 12 year-old enjoying a day with us. I often think about how many more years she will want to do things like this as a family. 

 Today (Sunday) was a picture perfect Maine fall day so we decided to go for a walk around our neighborhood. Then we came back and played an impromptu game of frisbee....all four of us. There are not many active games we can play together that hold TJ's attention for long so this was an especially wonderful activity. Molly even said, and I quote, "This is fun, I love hanging out with you guys".  A fleeting moment of pre-teen happiness. I'll take it. 

I hope you are all taking some time to enjoy the change of seasons. 


  1. Gigi - I would love to visit Maine in the fall - I bet it is just amazing! Great photos. :-)

  2. Maine is beautiful all year round - even winter has its beauty there. Great photographs!

  3. Fall is the best! I was in Maine last year in September. Beautiful!

  4. Your post brought back memories of my only trip out to the East coast, Gigi! I had always wanted to visit during Autumn, my favorite season, because we don't get them like you do out here in California. I did all the activities you shared in your post, but when I visited, it was chilly, so we were bundled up. I loved my trip out there, and hope to take my young son one day :-)

  5. Since I just got back from PA, I know a little bit of what you might be enjoying, Gigi. I love your pictures of your family, happy times!

  6. It's so fun to spend time together as a family out with the trees. We went to an apple orchard together as a family a few weeks ago here in Wisconsin. Our teen daughter and teen exchange student enjoyed themselves. I was wondering how that would go over with them - if they would feel it was an outing designed for little kids, but they surprised me. Even more surprising was running into family friends who had their teen daughter with about 5 of her high school friends and even their college age son there. He had driven home for the weekend just to pick apples with them. So you may have more years left than you think.
