
Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Slice of Life-One-On-One Time

Each Tuesday the amazing bloggers at Two Writing Teachers host Slice of Life Stories (SOLS). This is where bloggers link up to share anything they would like to share about what is happening in their lives. 

Last weekend my husband and daughter were away in Cape Cod to visit my step-daughter so TJ and I spent the weekend together, just the two of us. As much as I love it when the whole family is together, there is something special about being alone with just one of my kids. After a very long week of late nights for parent-teacher conferences, I was very much looking forward to a fun weekend with him. 

When Molly and I are alone, the time is usually filled with movies or shopping and always lots of chatting. With TJ, things are much different. We spend a fair amount of time just hanging out at home, but we also go to places that he likes to go. During our weekend of fun we started very early. Because of his autism, sometimes his sleep patterns are a bit irregular so Saturday's wake-up time wasl 12:45 (yes in the morning)! Thankfully I was able to catch a few more winks on the couch after getting him settled with his juice, snack and his ipad.  

Later in the morning we hit our favorite breakfast place-a fabulous diner that has been part of our community forever. 
I know you are wondering, the book he is reading is Over in the Meadow.

Then he asked to go to Lowe's. He likes the lighting department and the Christmas displays.

Yes, I am THAT parent who lets their child do this at a store. It was early, no one was around. 

Next we decided to try a new trampoline park (along with most of the greater Portland area). He absolutely loves to jump and had a blast. 

Most of Sunday was spent just relaxing at home. I treasure these weekends with him. 


  1. What a glorious Sunday! TJ must have so enjoyed all the cool stuff he got to do...and having Mom all to himself.

  2. How wonderful to just "be" at those places he loves, Gigi. I have a granddaughter who would adore that trampoline park, which looks fabulous, BTW. Ours don't look like that. I like the slide idea. And I don't mind when parents let their kids try out toys. You can't buy them all, so why not try them out? Thanks for sharing your weekend!

  3. A trampoline park? How fun! What precious moments these are, creating lasting memories!
