
Sunday, September 14, 2014

It's Monday, What Are You Reading-September 15, 2015

Please visit the amazing blogs: Teach Mentor Texts and Unleashing Readers who host this terrific meme each week.

This will be short. I have not been able to read 
a whole lot lately, but I did read one book this week.

Charlie Bumpers and the Squeaking Skull
by Bill Harley
Illustrated by Adam Gustavson
Cute middle grade book. 3rd in the series. Review later in the month. 

Currently Listening....
Loving it so far. Now I see what all the buzz was about. 

Up next?
Hopefully I can get back to Brown Girl Dreaming.

I also need to finish Sisters.

What Are YOU Reading Friends?


  1. Yes, lots of well deserved buzz for Fault in our Stars. Sisters is a book I've been avoiding - not a graphic novel fan - but perhaps it's time to give it another go?

  2. I haven't been reading much either. It's kind of frustrating. I am hoping fall will slow down so I can catch up with all of my piles of books! Thanks for reminding me about Sisters. I am on hold now! Have a great week! ~Megan

  3. I really liked Fault In Our Stars on audio--I've listened to it a couple of times now. Very well read. I liked Sisters quite well, though I'm not sure it's a title that will stick with me. I am reading Brown Girl Dreaming at a slothlike pace because I don't want it to end!

  4. Maybe I'm fangirling a little bit, but John Green can really do no wrong in my eyes. I've loved every book he's written. He just has such a way with words!

  5. I am glad you are enjoying The Fault in Our Stars. I haven't listened to it, but I would certainly like to give that a try. I hear Sisters is great. I have it on my TBR list. I hope you have a wonderful rest of your week!

  6. I am loving Brown Girl Dreaming, but I really do not want it to end!

  7. Loved Fault in Our Stars. What a book! I just finished Revolution by Deborah Wiles. She is incredible. Happy reading this week!

  8. Oh my, Gigi, Charlie Bumpers looks like fun! The Fault In Our Stars is wonderful, as I see above that everyone has already said. Enjoy. Now I'm looking forward to the movie!

  9. Fault in Our Stars... a very weepy book! Loved the movie too as I felt they really cast the perfect actors for the main roles. Sisters is on my TBR list - it's certainly getting lots of buzz! Brown Girl Dreaming - can't wait! Charlie Bumpers - looks like a perfect book for middle years. Thanks, Gig!

  10. You have some great titles coming up. I cried my way through TFIOS and loved Brown Girl Dreaming. I just bought Sisters today. I am sure it will be another fun one. Have a great week!

  11. Have to purchase our own copy of Sisters soonest - my 12 year old girl is such a huge fan. Have resisted reading TFIOS for quite awhile now - loved the movie though.
