
Sunday, July 27, 2014

It's Monday, What Are You Reading-July 28, 2014

Please visit the amazing blogs: Teach Mentor Texts and Unleashing Readers who host this terrific meme each week.

I have not posted my reading here since July 7th. I have taken a bit of a break from regular blogging to pay more attention to my family and my home. I have not read a ton, but I have read some. In the interest of keeping it quick, I have not written reviews this week. Please click on the title to go the the book's page on Goodreads. 

by David J. Smith
Illustrated by Steve Adams
Nonfiction Picture Book for Grades 2-5

by Karma Wilson
Illustrated by Diane Goode

by Tracy Holczer
Excellent Middle Grade-YAish novel

by Will Hobbs
Action-Adventure YA Novel

Finished Listening
by Jonathan Stroud
Recommend for grades 5-8

Currently Reading
by Lynda Mullaly Hunt
I was thrilled to receive this ARC. I wanted to read it in one sitting, but my daughter is insisting that we read it aloud together so we are reading it slowly. It is amazing so far! 
Yep, we were excited!

by Mark Overmeyer

What Are YOU Reading Friends?


  1. LOVED Never Say Die! It sparks lots of conversations about grolar bears. Hobbs is always good for action/ adventure.

    1. I am not familiar with any of Hobbs' other books. I'll need to look for some. I enjoyed this one.

  2. Jealous that you have Fish In A Tree-looking forward to it, Gigi! I also want to read The Secret Hum of A Daisy-many good books this summer! Outside The Box looks good, too. Thanks for sharing some of your books!

  3. I'm intrigued by the book If... Will have to check that one out!

  4. So jealous!!! Cannot wait for Fish. I know the author has a special tie for your daughter, I remember your Nerdy post! So exciting you get to read it! Can't wait to read Daisy, I'll get to it soon!

  5. Love the photo of you and your daughter with Fish in a Tree. I can't wait to read this also! If looks phenomenal. I really want to take a look at this one! Think my class would love it.

  6. Can't wait to read Fish in a Tree. My Children's Lit students absolutely adored One for the Murphys, so I know I'll have to buy Fish in a Tree for my lending library.
