
Sunday, June 8, 2014

It's Monday What Are You Reading?-June 9, 2014

Please visit the amazing blogs: Teach Mentor Texts and Unleashing Readers who host this terrific meme each week.

Here is my reading from last week. 
A Funny Little Bird
by Jennifer Yerkes
A unique picture book with an "accept yourself" theme. 
For Pre-K-2

A Perfect Day for Digging
by Cari Best
Illustrated by Christine Davenier
This book reminds us of the simple pleasure of digging in the dirt. Fun for Pre-K-2.

Feathers: Not Just For Flying
by Melissa Stewart
Illustrated by Sarah S. Brannen
Excellent nonfiction picture book. Review coming on Wed. 
Good for K-4.

Still Reading

And Listening To...

What Are YOU Reading Friends?


  1. Looks like Feathers would be a good companion book for Aviary, Inc. A Perfect Day for Digging looks mighty cute as well. :) Thanks for sharing all these.

  2. Oohh, Look Like Feathers looks fantastic! I read A Funny Little Bird last week too and really enjoyed it!

    Have a great week!

  3. I loved Feathers! There have been so many good bird books published in the past few years, I've started making a list of them! I put Funny Little Bird on hold, that's a new one for me. I keep forgetting about Annika - my daughter read the first one in the series and she's mentioned this one. Need to find it :) Thanks for sharing!

  4. Dan Krokos is one to watch. I love that there are more space adventure sci if books coming out and not as many dystopian ones.

  5. Feathers is such a great title. I am a big fan of Melissa Stewart for nonfiction titles. Loved her No Monkeys No Chocolate too.

  6. Those first two books look great, Gigi. Thank you!

  7. The Claudia Mills middle grade novel is receiving a lot of love - it does look very interesting. :) Thanks for sharing all these titles. I have to get my hands on Feathers soonest.

  8. Thanks for these great titles, Gigi! Feathers is one I really enjoyed - there were a lot of "bird" books that came out this spring! I don't know A Funny Little Bird but it is certainly one I am going to look for! Have a great week!
