
Saturday, June 7, 2014

Celebrate This Week-June 7, 2014

Every week, Ruth Ayres over at Discover. Play. Build. invites people to share celebrations from their week.  Please visit and consider linking up your own celebration. 

I have been away from regular blogging for about a month now. I am increasingly unable to balance the end-of-the-year-craziness at school with my own children's extracurricular activities and blogging, so something had to give. I am hoping to get back in a blogging groove soon. 

I hope you all have many things to celebrate from this week. Here are a few of mine from this and recent weeks. 

A Nerdy Announcement
I am not sure I have officially announced it yet, but a few weeks ago I learned that a proposal I submitted to NCTE, on behalf of my panel, was accepted! We will be presenting at NCTE this fall. I am still pinching myself and get nauseous just thinking about it. I get to present with my dear friend, Susan Dee and amazing authors Lynda Mullaly Hunt, Jennifer Neilsen and Leslie Connor! I KNOW RIGHT?!! Being able to work together with these incredible ladies whom I respect and admire is just thrilling to say the very least. Our session focuses on using literature from K-middle school to foster the development of resiliency and empathy in children. I am beyond excited!

It's About Time
Here in Maine it was a terribly long and exceptionally cold winter. Even though there are still mornings when we kick on the pellet stove, it seems that spring is finally here. Yes, I know it is almost summer, but Maine doesn't seem to realize that. The trees finally have leaves and there are flowers popping up in my garden. My family keeps a small vegetable garden plot at our town's community garden due to our yard's lack of full sun. We were able to put the seeds and seedlings in the ground and some are starting to peek out of the ground. 

Teamwork and Togetherness
Although we have a week and a half to go, things are in "wrap-up" mode at school. Yesterday was our 4th grade field day. This is an event the students and I look forward to all year. It was such a nice day to just be silly and fun with them and to encourage and congratulate each other. My voice is hoarse today from screaming so loudly during the tug-of-war. I love watching them together as they have become a tight-knit group who look out for one another. In the afternoon the students (and teachers) are so tired that all we can really manage to do is to watch a movie. We watched Disney's Frozen. Let me tell you that you have not lived until you have heard ten year-old boys belt out "Let it Go". 

Just Too Sweet
Lastly, I celebrate this special reading moment. I posted this video on Facebook earlier this week. My eight year old son, TJ, has autism and he loves certain books. He has a few he loves to read, but he seldom reads to anyone. My husband filmed TJ reading one of his favorite books, How Do Dinosaurs Say Goodnight. You can't make out many words, but I think you get the gist. I am so glad that we have technology to capture sweet moments like this. 

What Are YOU Celebrating This Week?


  1. Love these celebrations! You're right, it is hard to balance everything, all the time. I'm glad to see you back tus week, but I'm also glad you know this (blogging) is what goes when family and kids need you most :) have a great weekend!

  2. This video is amazing!! It brought tears to my eyes. Thank you for sharing!!!! So glad you're back blogging. I, too, agree that balancing everything is a lot...too much sometimes. And I will be at NCTE and I want to go to your presentation, it sounds AMAZING!!! Congrats! :)

  3. Watching the video again just reconfirms for me what an amazing family TJ is blessed to be a part of! So wonderful!

    And then there's the whole "Oh my goodness...our proposal got accepted!" celebration that I'm still trying to wrap my head around! You did an fantastic job of pulling us all together and I'm so honored to have the opportunity to present with four women who are as passionate about readers and connections as I am! And the cherry on top is that you are all such loyal friends! Definitely celebration worthy!

    Happy Saturday my friend!

  4. I love seeing the video, Gigi. I haven't been on FB much lately, so missed it earlier. What a sweet moment for you & TJ. I'm glad to see and hear from you again, have missed what you have to say. Congratulatlons on the NCTE acceptance-what a wonderful thing to do, & share! Have a wonderful final week and a half!

  5. Congratulations on NCTE! I'll be there too presenting with a panel which is amazing. I feel like you do "pinch me." They video with TJ Is wonderful, thank you so much for sharing. Have a wonderful week and a half!

    1. Great Julieann, you will have to let me know when it is. So exciting!

  6. I can't imagine being that far behind in the weather! But I am sure living in Maine has its advantages too! What a sweet video! Literacy is for everyone and this shows it! Congrats on your NCTE proposal. I HAVE to get there one of these days! I think St. Louis is the following year - that is my goal! Enjoy your last few days.

  7. Gigi - Some amazing celebrations! LOVE your video with your son. So, so lovely. And what a cute kiss. Congratulations on your NCTE presentation. Yippee!

  8. I loved that video when I first saw it, and I love it again! Digital tools really help us hold on to precious moments like this. Also, congratulations on your panel. You will rock it!!

    1. Yes it is great to have video to remember when they were little. And thanks for the vote of confidence ;-)

  9. That video killed me. I love how happy you are tucked under a blanket moving to his words. Sometimes I think we've been given this crazy thing called autism in this life so that we will slow down, turn off all that noise, and pay attention. I realized a long time ago, if we find out things are bad for autistic people -- we should assume they are bad for everyone. They are just more in tune immediately. Thank you so much for sharing.

    1. That is a wonderful perspective Kimberly, thank you!

  10. Thanks for sharing the video. He is enjoying that book so much! Love it. :) Congrats on NCTE. What a great opportunity.

  11. Congratulations on the proposal! I am happy for you. I like how one of your celebration is titled "Teamwork and Togetherness" - the words have both power and joy in them. The video didn't open, but I celebrate nevertheless, because your words about your son reading clearly show what a special moment it was for you and him.

  12. What a special moment with your son! Congrats on NCTE. I'll be there this year! I am presenting with a group of teachers I met 10 years ago at a writing retreat for the National Writing Project. But I am most excited about meeting my cyber-friends like you.
