
Saturday, June 28, 2014

Celebrate This Week-June 28, 2014

Every week, Ruth Ayres over at Discover. Play. Build. invites people to share celebrations from their week.  Please visit and consider linking up your own celebration. 

My Family is All Here
You know it's summer when my 18 year-old step-daughter and my mother-in-law arrive. My step-daughter stays with us until the beginning of August and my mother-in-law (Laney) stays for much of the summer as well. The house if full, it's noisy and you have to get in line to shower, but I wouldn't have it any other way. 

For the last three days I have been in a writing workshop for The Southern Maine Writing Project's Summer Institute. When I signed up, I thought it was a good idea. I'd get to write and learn from others uninterrupted. On Monday morning as I got up and ready to leave the house.  It was a warm, sunny day I began to think that signing up for a class in the summer wasn't such a great idea. I was wrong. The three days we have had so far have been terrific. I have vacated my comfort zone several times in the past days as I write and share with my new friends. The class is filled with such talented writers. I love listening to their writing and furiously write down amazing words and phrases they use. I am learning a great deal about myself as a writer and learner and I'm LOVING the writing time. We have four more days next week. I plan on writing a recap of the week and my learnings next Saturday. 

A Celebration Dinner
Last night we went out to dinner with the whole family to celebrate the successful completion of another school year. As many of you know, my eight year-old son has autism. Taking him out to eat at a "sit down" restaurant is not usually easy.  Last night was no exception. To make a long story short, TJ did not want to sit where we had planned to sit (downstairs away from everyone). He wanted to be in the middle of the action and where he could look at all the interesting decor they have on the walls. After some whining and then escalating to hitting me, the nice people at Buck's Naked BBQ rearranged tables upstairs and moved our party of eight to where he was happy. There were also nice customers who didn't seem to mind that he would stand up and get close to their table to look at something on the wall. I'd like to celebrate this establishment, its waitstaff and customers for their compassion. We had a lovely time. 

What Are YOU Celebrating Friends?


  1. Gigi I am so pleased that your family had such a lovely time and that the staff supported you in making it work for everyone! The pictures you shared are so lovely.

  2. I can't imagine how tough it must be that even having dinner out is an ordeal. So great that you've found a welcoming place to go. Writing institutes are always worth the time. Look forward to hearing more about it.

  3. Can't wait to read your recap and learnings from the writing institute! Enjoy the next four days and learn lots so you can share and I can learn vicariously!! My older son is diagnosed with PTSD, and it's a huge challenge to take him out. New places, crowds really upset him (and we live in South Dakota--how crowded can anything ever be?!), and the dysregulation that ensues isn't very pleasant. So glad your family was able to have a great meal out and that everyone at the restaurant was understanding. Loved the photos!

  4. I look forward to your stories about your son. You are so special and so is he...a perfect match. Thank you for sharing.

    I have been wanting to back out of my Maine Writing Project (in Orono) summer stuff for a while, but I know I will love it once I get there. Thanks for the reminder.

  5. I participated in a summer writing institute two summers ago and absolutely loved it. The time to write and the vulnerability of sharing my writing really opened my eyes to the things that I ask of my students. Have a great time in the other days of your class. Enjoy your full house this summer as well!
