
Monday, June 30, 2014

My Must Read in 2014 July Update

Back in January I decided to join fellow blogger friends Carrie Gelson from There's a Book for That, Linda Baie from Teacher Dance and Maria Selke from Maria's Melange for the Must Read in 2014 Challenge. Our Must Read lists consist of books we want to make sure we read` this year. In my case the list is a combination of books I have been meaning to read and books I don't want to miss. 

Here is my update.

I am sorry to report that I have not read any more books on the list. I still have the following books to finish. 

I do still want to read them, but I have just been reading other things. Hoping to get back on track with reading these "must reads". 
Click here to see the original list. 


  1. Sometimes our reading takes us in other directions! Our imagination and spirit always benefits! Thanks for sharing your update - even if it is to report that you have books still to tackle. I only read 4 titles from my list in the last few months. Other books always distracting me. Every Day After was on my list and I read it in the spring. I think you will love it when you do get there! Happy reading!

  2. It's interesting to see a few select titles come up again and again on people's lists! I'm glad there's never a shortage of good books to read!
