
Sunday, April 6, 2014

Stack-It-Up Sunday-April 6, 2014

Every stack has a story. 

If you didn't read my Celebration post about book piles, you can find it here

Here are some of my current stacks around the house. 

Every time I go to my school library, our amazing library assistant Denise Asselin has a great new book rec for me. The Ghost of Crutchfield Hall is waiting for me in the dining room. 

This is my beside-the-couch pile. Sometimes when my husband is watching "his shows" I'll join him on the couch and read my "couch books". I got into The Dumbest Idea Ever a couple of days ago and Word Nerds is about teaching vocabulary.  I am only a bit into it, but it's good so far. 

There is always a pile of books waiting for me to protect them with contact paper or a plastic protector. This is the current pile down on the desk. 

What's in YOUR stack?

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