
Saturday, April 26, 2014

Celebrate this Week-April 26, 2014

Every week, Ruth Ayres over at Discover. Play. Build. invites people to share celebrations from their week.  Please visit and consider linking up your own celebration. 

I hope you all had many things to celebrate this week. Here are some things I am celebrating as I look back on my week.

This week we were on vacation here in Maine. Our family is so fortunate that we all get to spend our vacations together since both my husband and I work in schools (he is a school secretary). We stayed put this week and it was SO great! We did some much needed cleaning and organizing in our home, watched movies, read, did errands, played outside and just hung out. It was exactly the vacation I needed. 

Our family was able to get together on Easter at my sister's house. The cousins have an egg hunt and we all have a huge Easter dinner and talk at the table. TJ got alphabet letters in his eggs since he doesn't like candy, but he LOVES letters. here is a video of him reenacting Chicka Chicka Boom Boom in a tree outside. 

An Unexpected Meeting
On Wednesday morning my husband and I were dropping the kids off with Nana so we could go back home and clean the basement (romantic, I know). We ran into some dear friends when we stopped for gas and after chatting, we decided to meet at a local restaurant to have breakfast with them. It was so nice to get to talk to my friends and have grown-up conversation. Definitely a highlight!

Mother-Daughter Day!
On Friday my 12 year-old daughter Molly and I spent the day together. We had our hair done and went clothes and shoe shopping. Then we watched a girly movie together.  It was so nice to spend uninterrupted time with her. 
Molly loves her new do!

Generous Donations
This week I have felt the generosity of my community in two ways. First, I had a Donors Choose Project funded! My partner teacher and I submitted a $550 project for books (of course) and it was funded this week! I can't wait for my kids to see these new books. 
If that wasn't enough, my family is participating in the Walk for Autism to benefit The Autism Society of Maine tomorrow. Our friends and family have helped us raise over $300 so far! We are looking forward to walking together. I'm sure it will be in next week's celebration post. 

What are YOU celebrating friends?


  1. Wow! So many things to celebrate!! Congrats on your Donors Choose project! So exciting!

  2. Love the celebration of family time! Those days can slip by too quickly, so it's nice to slow down in life. What fun to meet up with your friends and change up your plans -- not only can it be difficult to slow down life, but it can also be hard to be spontaneous! Love that you spent time with your daughter. Those are the moments she will remember for a long time!

  3. So great to hear all about the family times. I saw TJ's video of letter hunting on FB, so cute, Gigi. And your daughter is the age I taught, what a nice pic. I'm glad you had a good day with her. And the serendipity with friends-a good thing, too. Thanks for sharing! Congrats on the funding, & good luck on the walk-a full day it sounds like!

  4. My smile just got bigger reading all of the celebrations in this post! Your time with your daughter sounds so great - my eleven year old and I are off to a late lunch and some earring shopping (she has a gift card) this afternoon and I am excited to have this time with her. Chicka Chicka Boom Boom! LOVED this video. What a fun Easter surprise.

  5. Congratulations on your Donors Choose Project! Loved the video of your son, and the pic of your daughter. :-)

  6. The video is so cool. Thanks for sharing. :)

  7. Helping fund projects through Donors Choose was always fun and rewarding! Congrats on yours! And I love unplanned fun times with unexpected people!

  8. I had a staycation, too this week. Such a nice restful week. Quiet, though, with an empty nest. Love the Chicka Boom video. How fun! Great that your funds (Donors Choose and Autism Society) are growing and feeling successful. Always a joy to give back and pay it forward.

  9. Wonderful celebrations for you and your family. Celebrating the things that matter: haircuts, shoes, basements, books!
