
Saturday, April 12, 2014

Celebrate this Week-April 12, 2014

Every week, Ruth Ayres over at Discover. Play. Build. invites people to share celebrations from their week.  Please visit and consider linking up your own celebration. 

Here are some of my recent celebrations.

A Patriotic Little Boy
I talk about my son TJ quite a bit in my celebration posts. He has autism and never ceases to amaze me. This week he learned how to recite The Pledge of Allegiance in his own special way. He gets some of the words and some is of his own creation. He puts his hand on his heart and it is beyond adorable. He is even saying it loud and proud with his class. 

The Magic of Harry!
It is no secret that I am a huge Harry Potter fan. You can imagine my excitement when a child in my class discovers JK Rowling's magical series. Some years I have a class that loves these books and others they just don't. It has been so wonderful for me to watch this year's class slowly become Potter Heads. The best part is that none of it (well not much anyway) has come from me. They have watched each other devour the books and decided to give them a try. Now I really need to replace the series in my room as they are becoming quite worn. The kicker came for me this week when a student who has vehemently, flat out refused to read the books picked one up off the shelf. I did a silent celebration because if I had made a fuss he would have put it back. He is on chapter two so I am holding my breath. I love these books and what they do to help create engaged, motivated readers. 

Let's go to the Movies
This event actually will be happening today so I will probably write about it next week, but I am really excited about it. Today our whole family gets to go to the movies together! A local Rotary Club sponsors a "sensory friendly" movie for families affected by autism once a year. Today it is Rio 2. It is so nice for the four of us to be able to go together. Here are some pictures from last year. 

What Are You Celebrating This Week?


  1. Thank goodness for Harry Potter! He's definitely welcomed new readers into the world of books! Have a great week! -Earl! (Oh, by the way, your link at Ruth's blog doesn't work. I just googled your blog.)

    1. Thanks Earl. Not sure what happened with the link. Thanks for finding me!

  2. I was going to tell you about your link, too, Gigi. I found you because you're in my feed! Great to hear about Potter heads. I know it's now time for another group to begin that journey. Glad this class is on its way. And your movie sounds like a good family time-hope you enjoy it!

  3. I feel the same way you do about Harry Potter, and I love when students discover the series for the first time. :-) What a great family picture! "A sensory friendly" movie - how cool!

  4. Fantastic idea re the sensory friendly movie! How fun for all of you. I love the picture form last year with you and your daughter in matching purple jackets! I hope the movie was lots of fun!

  5. The sensory friendly movie is such a great thing. It's so fun watching people fall in love with the Harry Potter series. :)
