
Monday, February 3, 2014

It's Monday, What Are You Reading? February 3, 2014

Please visit the amazing blogs: Teach Mentor Texts and Unleashing Readers who host this terrific meme each week.

Here is what I read last week.

Picture Books
by Kadir Nelson
I have said it before and I will likely say it again, Kadir Nelson is a genius!  The story is adorable and the illustrations are fantastic!
Grades K-3

Middle Grade
by Nikki Grimes
This beautiful novel in verse is about Gabby the day dreamer.  To the frustration of her parents and her teachers, Gabby is constantly lost in her day dreams. Finally one teacher embraces the value of imagination. 
Grades 3-6  

by Jennifer A. Nielsen
Shadow Throne provides an action-packed ending to the Ascendance Trilogy. LOVED it!
Grades 4-8 

Currently Reading
by Cynthia Lord

Currently Listening
by Cynthia Lord

What Are You Reading Friends?


  1. Totally agree that Kadir Nelson is a genius. Baby Bear has been on my to read list for a while. I need to see if my public library has it yet. Words with Wings sounds very interesting. I was always the daydreamer growing up, sometimes still today. I am trying to wait patiently for the book The Shadow Throne. But part of me doesn't want to read it because I know that this is the last one! Thanks for sharing.

  2. Here's another cheer for Kadir Nelson!

  3. I normally love Kadir Nelson but I could not get past Baby Bear's vacant eyes.

  4. Just commented about Baby Bear on Holly's post, Gigi. What a wonderful book. I'll certainly look for the new Cynthia Lord book, hope it's good! I loved Words With Wings-a special book to have for the writers! And I'm looking forward to that final Nielsen-so happy everyone is pleased with it! Thanks Gigi!

  5. Had to laugh at Beth's comment about those vacant eyes! I also love Kadir Nelson but haven't seen Baby Bear yet. Hoping the library gets it. I'm looking forward to the new Cynthia Lord.

  6. I can't wait to read The Shadow Throne and finish this trilogy! I absolutely love it.

  7. I keep meaning to order Words with Wings! Thanks for the reminder. Baby Bear looks like a winner for the K-1 set, and I loved Touch Blue, so I'll be sure to look for Half a Chance. Thanks for sharing!

  8. I just ordered The Shadow Throne - can't wait to read it aloud to my children! We are all huge fans! I just bought Half a Chance and look forward to reading this title if my daughter doesn't steal it away from me first!

  9. Gigi - I reviewed Baby Bear on my last Monday's post - it's ADORABLE! I'm envious that you have the last Nielsen book and that you have read it! Can't wait to get my hands on it! I have Half a Chance on my Mustreadin2014 list! Words With Wings has caught my eye and I'm excited to read it! Thanks for the great list this week! Happy reading!

  10. Looks like Baby Bear has been making the rounds this week. I just hope we could get a copy soon in our libraries. Glad to see you loved Shadow Throne. I am still in Book 2. :)

  11. I love reading your Monday posts! I also have a question. I am looking for a list of books that are appropriate for a fourth grade gifted young man. Do you have any suggestions?

    1. Hi Sarah, I really loved the following books: Navigating Early, The Water Castle, The Real Boy, Bread crumbs, Savvy and The Sixty-Eight Rooms. They are a bit of a stretch for most 4th graders, but the content is appropriate for 4th grade. Hope this helps a bit.
