
Monday, January 27, 2014

Slice of Life- Changing Plans

Each Tuesday Ruth and Stacey at Two Writing Teachers host Slice of Life Stories (SOLS). This is where bloggers link up to share anything they would like to share about what is happening in their lives. 

“Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans.” Allen Saunders

Some days things just don't go as planned.  I guess as a parent and a teacher, MOST days don't go as planned. 

I rarely bring home much schoolwork. Not because I get it all done at school, but because of family needs, I am just never able to get it done at home. After helping with dinner, homework, play time and bed, I am just too wiped to focus on schoolwork at night. But last weekend I did bring home a big stack of work to do.  My students just finished writing pieces and I needed to read them and score them using our district rubric. Although I had 46 stories to look at, I was excited to read them and give some written feedback.  I knew it would take me all weekend, but it needed to get done. 

Then my plans changed. My poor son, TJ, became ill in the early morning hours of Saturday. If you visit my blog regularly, you probably have heard me talk about him.  He is seven years old and he has autism. Thankfully, he rarely gets sick. He woke up and early Saturday morning and was sick to his tummy. Since I cannot explain to him what is happening, and he can't tell me what he is feeling, it is especially heartbreaking when he is sick. 

To say that he is a "Mama's boy" is an understatement and is even more true when he doesn't feel well. All day he just wanted me to sit with him and snuggle on the couch. Normally he is a very active boy and rarely sits still, but on this day he stayed put. While I would never, ever wish him to be sick, I have to say sitting with him all day was very special. I had to slow down and just be with him. We watched videos and movies on his ipad, I read and he napped. Thankfully he was feeling better the next day. 

The schoolwork sat untouched. I could not move from the couch for more than a minute without him whining for me and I didn't want to. I was where I needed to be.  
This may be a bit deep here, but I think the universe takes over and reminds us of what is important sometimes and forces us to slow down. 

When was the last time YOU had to slow down? What did you learn?


  1. Sounds like you chose to do the really important part of life! The schoolwork will always be there!

  2. Gigi, It is so wonderful that you cherished the time spent with your son and didn't feel frustrated knowing that you had unfinished work.

  3. So sorry TJ was sick, but it is nice to be able to cuddle and be together. It was good for you too, to slow down and just be with your boy.

  4. I love your attitude. When your son needed you, that became your priority. So often we get single-minded about the work and forget that taking the time to nurture someone else is good for us, too.

  5. You were with the person you needed to be with - doing what was most important to do. I hope TJ is feeling better, Gigi.

  6. You did choose the most important thing to do. School work will always be there. Family always comes before the job.

  7. Family needs are ALWAYS first. Thank you for doing that. Sometimes we don't remember that rule!
