
Sunday, January 26, 2014

My Must Read in 2014 List

Hello nerdy friends. If you are anything like me, you have a towering and ever-growing list of books you always "plan to" read, but never quite get to. 

That's why I will be joining my friends Carrie Gelson from There's a Book for That, Linda Baie from Teacher Dance and Maria Selke from Maria's Melange for the Must read in 2014 Challenge. 

Will you join me?

All you have to do is make a list of books you keep meaning to read and decide that this is the year it will happen. Your list can be as long or short as you like. 
I decided to make mine attainable.  It is a combination of new books I want to read and books that have been on my list for a while. 

So, here they are in no particular order.  


I made this list at the beginning of the month and have already started picking away at it. I have finished Duke and Celebrating Writers and I am currently reading Shadow Throne!

Visit There's a Book for That to see other Must Read in 2014 lists. 

What books would be on your list? 


  1. Some of these are sitting in my house too, Gigi, unloved so far! Thanks for posting, & be sure to send it on to Carrie so she can add it!

    1. Thanks Linda. I sent to to Carrie even though I'm a bit late.

  2. Thanks for posting! You've got some great titles on your list. Some I've read and some that are on my list too. I think I'm going to join in. My problem will be to make sure that I don't put to many on, because there are always other books that turn up!

    1. Yes, I was tempted to really "pile it on" but I wanted to make sure I would be able to read them all. You never know a new book will come out that you just HAVE to read.

  3. Great list, Gigi. I've read some, have some on my TBR and need to get some others! Thanks!

  4. Love how many professional books you have on this list! We share a few novel titles. It's going to be a great year of reading for 2014! So pleased you are joining us!

  5. I've read Flora and Ulysses (a wild ride!) and Upside Down and Back Again (I love verse novels and this is a really good one.) I have ordered Celebrating Writers. Real Revision is a wonderful resource for writing workshop. Some of the others are new to me. My students each have a cubby hole with a stack of books they plan to read in them. Every once in a while I take one out or put one in. One of my students and I just traded off One for the Murphys. We both loved it and shared stories about crying real tears. Thanks for these book suggestions.
