
Friday, January 3, 2014

Celebrating Nerdiness

Every week, Ruth Ayres over at Discover. Play. Build. invites people to share celebrations from their week.  Please visit and consider linking up your own celebration. 

1. My Nerdy Book Club Post
My first Nerdy Book Club post was published on September 10, 2012.  I had just recently started reading the blog and loved the feeling of community I felt as I read it and all of the things I was learning from it. I tentatively submitted and idea on a whim. I remember being completely shocked that anyone was even remotely interested in anything I had to say.  

This past Friday I was the guest blogger on Nerdy Book Club for the fifth time. Click here if you are interested in seeing any of the posts. 
My topic was finding "The book" that hooks a child and brings them into the world of reading. In it, I share a wonderful experience my daughter and I had as we read Lynda Mullaly Hunts' amazing novel, One for the Murphys. I was overwhelmed by the tweets, comments and emails I received about this post. So many parents have had or are having the same struggles with their own children.  It was heartening and saddening to know that there are so many parents feeling defeated because, despite their best efforts, their child just doesn't like to read.....yet.  

I spent the day just feeling all warm and fuzzy from the genuine kindness of my nerdy community. Thank you my friends. 
For those of you who have thought about writing up a post, I would strongly encourage you to do so. You have a story to tell and we want to read it! 

2. nErDcamp Northern New England is only two weeks away!  
I feel so fortunate to have been on this planning committee. After hearing about nErDcamp Battle Creek last summer and turning green with envy when we couldn't attend, a small group of Mainers, led by the amazingly nerdy Susan Dee, decided that we wanted to join in the nerdiness close to home. The first nErDcamp was spearheaded by Colby Sharp and we are excited to follow suit by providing a day of free literacy professional development for New England educators. Please visit our website for more info if you are interested. 

3. Time to be Nerdy
This vacation has been nice and long. With two additional days off due to snow, I have had lots of time for family and for nerdiness! I have been able to read blogs, go on Twitter, participate in #titletalk, write blog posts and read. It has been wonderful. 

Hoping you have much to celebrate this week!


  1. Thanks for this post. I love to hear about your bravery in stepping out to write for the Nerdy Book Club. Your post was wonderful. I teared up a little imagining you and your daughter crying together. Molly's blog looks great. I want to share it with my students. I have the book One for the Murphys sitting on my to-be-read table. I think I'll move it up in rank.

    1. Thank you Margaret. You will not be disappointed if you move OFTM up the pile a bit. Thank you for your support.

  2. It was a good post, Gigi, & I need to go back & comment. I love that book, that you found a path to reading with your daughter. Also love that you're a big part of this Nerdcamp. What a great time you will have! Happy Nerdiness!

    1. I am so excited (and more than a little anxious) about Nerdcamp. But really, what can go wrong with 175 educators getting together that loved kids and literacy, not much! Thanks for your kind support Linda. It means a lot.

  3. I loved your Nerdy Book Club post! I've posted a couple of times too. It really is a high when people read & comment! I love that feeling. Now, I'm seething with jealousy about nErDcamp Northern New England!!! Sigh! Wish I was closer! Have fun and I hope you blog about it! I'd love to hear more!! Happy Nerdy Year!

    1. Thanks Michelle,
      Nerdcamp is very exciting. It was put together by 6-7 of us here in Maine. You should start one of your own! I am a bit nervous as this is a first for me, but it should be good. Happy Nerdy Year to you!!

  4. Gigi,
    There is so much to celebrate as part of the #nerdybookclub. I wish I could attend #nerdcampNNE. I know there will be a lot of amazing thinking happening. I'll be following the hashtag.


    1. Thanks Cathy. We are pretty excited. Have a great week!

  5. Nerdcamp in New England - I need to see about this! Happy New Year, Gigi!

  6. Loved your Nerdy Book Club post! I have similar struggles with my older son, exacerbated by his challenge to learn HOW to read (he was adopted from Ethiopia at age 9). Everything that has been done to him at school has been a MAJOR turn-off when it comes to reading. When will schools "get it" when it comes to building literate lives?? I just read One for the Murphys this week and really enjoyed it. Definitely one I'll read aloud to my son in another year or so. What did your daughter read next?? Hope to read lots of tweets and blog posts about #nerdcampNNE! I was pretty green with envy about the Battle Creek #nerdcamp too!

    1. I can empathize with your struggles as your son develops his reading skills. I have hope that someday schools will "get it". Until then all we can do is continue to do what we know is best for kids. Molly read the ARC of the next Charlie Joe book that I got at NCTE after OFTM. She liked it fine and is now reading The Runaway Twin by Peg Kehret. This maine character is also resonating with her much like Carley. I always know when she's into a book because she can't stop telling me what's happening. We will certainly be sharing Nerdcamp "stuff" after and during. Very excited!

  7. We loved your post about One for the Murphys. It is a post that we will share with teachers who have children who struggle to learn to read. Thank you. Happy Saturday!

    1. Thank you Tammy and Clare. I have realized that many parents can relate. We need more teachers helping parents out by being crazy about books and reading. Thank you for your support.

  8. I loved that nerdy post and I think you really hit a big thing for so many of us. It takes a village and what a village we have! Thank you for contributing to the nerdy community.

  9. Your Nerdy post was beautiful! Thank you for sharing your daughter's story. And I am jealous of your Nerdcamp. Have fun!

  10. I wish I could come to Nerdcamp in Maine! Hoping to make it to Michigan this summer!

  11. Gigi,

    You are inspiring! I have not yet dared to submit a Nerdy post. Maybe this year!

  12. You totally should. It's easier than you might think. I would read it for sure!
