
Sunday, November 17, 2013

It's Monday, What Are You Reading?- Nov. 18, 2013

Please visit the amazing blogs: Teach Mentor Texts and Unleashing Readers who host this terrific meme each week.

Click on the covers to learn more about the books I read this week.

Little Red Writing
by Joan Holub
Illustrated by Melissa Sweet
This is a new favorite! I love the concept of a little pencil bravely facing the challenges and dangers of writing a story.  Very clever and the illustrations are fantastic! For grades K-5.

Escape From Mr. Lemoncello's Library
by Chris Grabenstein
Such a fun book for any children's lit. fan. The characters try to escape from Mr. Lemoncello's library by using research and a bit of sleuthing, in order to win fame and fortune.  There are many parallels to Roald Dahl's Willy Wonka. I loved the children's book references, but kids may need help getting some of the jokes if they have not read widely. Highly recommend for grades 3-5. 

The Graveyard Book
by Neil Gaiman
This is the somewhat creepy story of a boy who is raised by ghosts in a graveyard.  While the writing is beautiful and rich, the story was not a favorite of mine.  I would not recommend it much before grade 5. 

What's next?
I really don't know. Maybe whatever I pick up at NCTE in Boston this weekend! That's right, I am attending my first ever national convention and I am beside myself with giddiness (yes, it's a word)! I'll be sure to share the highlights. 


  1. I loved "Little Red". Hadn't seen Mr. Lemoncello's Library. Will have to pick it up.
    Mrs. Brown Loves Bookworms

  2. Hope we'll meet up somewhere at NCTE Gigi! I'm really looking forward to it! I did enjoy The Graveyard Book, but it's been a long time since I read it. Want to read Escape From Mr. Lemoncello's Library-know it will be fun! Thanks!

  3. Have a great time at NCTE! I was able to attend the ALA Mid-winter meeting when it was in Seattle and meeting up with like minded Nerdy Book Club folks was so invigorating. Definitely a cup-filling weekend! Little Red is on my list and I too loved Mr. Lemoncello. It'd be a great read aloud, I think, which would give you opportunity to point out some of the more obscure book references and jokes.

  4. Hello there Gigi! Looks like most everyone are traveling to NCTE! Sounds like so much fun and I can't wait for your updates. We're hoping to have a mystery theme sometime soon so it would be great to read Mr Lemoncello's Library then. :) Have a great reading week!

    1. Yes, Mr. Lemoncello would be a great book for a mystery unit, really fun too. Have a great week!

  5. ENJOY your conference! I'm sure you won't be able to help yourself :-) Mr. Lemoncello's Library is certainly a fantastic adventure - all the more meaningful for very well read children! (and adults)

  6. I'm so excited about NCTE too! Make sure you leave space for books! Last year was my first year attending and I didn't realize how many books I'd be picking up. I didn't leave extra space in my suitcase for all of them. Oops! I know better now. I think I put The Graveyard Book on the syllabus for my Children's Lit class next semester. I've been wanting to reread it. I need to find a list of some of the book references in Mr. Lemoncello so that I can make sure my kids have read those other books first before I share Mr. Lemoncello with them. I'm looking forward to Little Red too--it's sitting in my TBR stack at home. Thanks for sharing!
