
Saturday, November 23, 2013

Celebrating the Fact that I Came to NCTE 13!!

Every week, Ruth Ayres over at Discover. Play. Build. invites people to share celebrations from the week and link up at her blog. This is my first link up. 

I have no idea how I will possibly synthesize the tremendous experience of NCTE.  I plan to reflect (probably several times) in the near future.  Today I just wanted to quickly celebrate the fact that I am actually here.  Last year, green with envy,  I watched all the tweets as people shared their learning and the amazing connections they were making.  I vowed then to do whatever I needed to do to make it happen in 2013.  

I am still pinching myself. The experience of meeting my online friends in "real life" has been surreal to say the very least.  

One thing I was unprepared for was how emotional I would get.  
I cried when we arrived. 
I cried at the Donal Graves Legacy breakfast (which was AMAZING!!).  
I cried when I saw Judy Blume, JUDY BLUME!! 
Then I cried when Temple Grandin took the stage to start her presentation.  
Most recently, I cried after Chris Lehman's closing remarks after his session on close reading. 
I did not expect this aspect of NCTE at all. 

I will certainly be sharing pictures, quotes, new learnings and memorable moments soon, but for now I will just celebrate the fact that... 
I. Am. Here! 


  1. I am feeling your "green" this week. Maybe someday I will be also be celebrating...and crying!

    1. Leigh Anne, it is totally worth it. Fingers crossed.

  2. A perfect celebration! And I'm celebrating that I met you!

  3. I am in your shoes this year, watching all the celebration posts from NCTE, wishing I were there. Happy for all of you, though, to meet in person and absorb the wonderfulness. I am one of those people who cry easily, too, so I totally understand your emotion.
