
Monday, August 26, 2013

It's Monday, What Are You Reading-August 26, 2013

Please visit the amazing blogs: Teach Mentor Texts and Unleashing Readers who host this terrific meme each week.

Please click on the picture to go to the book's  page on Goodreads.

Picture Books 

Miss Brooks Loves Books (and I Don't)
by Barbara Bottner

 The Incredible Book Eating Boy
by Oliver Jeffers

 Mustache Baby 
by Bridget Heos

Lost and Found 
by Oliver Jeffers


A Whiff of Pine, a Hint of Skunk...A Forest of Poems
by Deborah Ruddell

Middle Grade

The View from Saturday
by E.L. Konigsburg

Audiobook: Doll Bones 
by Holly Black
Click here to see my review.  

What's next???
I'm not certain right now.  I start school with 3 days of PD tomorrow so I will be pretty busy.  I have The Hero's Guide to Saving Your Kingdom to read, but I also just ordered 4 books that are due to come in the mail tomorrow so who knows?

What Are You Reading Friends?

Recent posts:


  1. The Doll Bones has received great reviews - it's somewhere on my TBR pile and I hope to get to it before school begins.

  2. Loved Doll Bones! The Hero's Guide series is so much fun, I hope you love it. Have a great week!

  3. Gigi, I would love to get my cold fingers on Doll Bones but my public library is so slow and I don't really like their picks. I really need those first two book themed books. I have been featuring books with reading or library themes on my shelves the first week of school and I love the collection I have built up by now you have made me see that I need more! Great titles too. Have good PD days!

    1. Hi Julee, Do you have a library that is part of the Minerva network. The town where I work does. It is a great database that gets requested books to me in record time.

  4. Ooh, I NEED Ms. Brooks Loves Books for some of my kiddos who are convinced they do not like reading! Good luck with your start- I read almost nothing this week because of my start.

  5. I <3 a good Oliver Jeffers.

    Doll Bones was sadly eerie. An interesting mix of realistic fiction and ... ghost stories. Would they be fantasy?

    Anyway. Happy reading!

  6. Hi there Gigi, I'm excited to read Doll Bones as well, hope to find it in our libraries for our next bimonthly theme. The View from Saturday is an absolute favourite - kind of reminds me of Surviving the Applewhites as well by Stephanie Tolan. :) So nice to see the book-themed picture books you shared, we had that bimonthly theme several months back. I didn't know about Miss Brooks Loves Books! That would have been a great add-in to our list. :) Thanks for sharing all these.

  7. The poetry book looks delightful Gigi. I have Doll Bones-still not high on my list-too many others will be first. I will try to get that poetry book though. Hope your first week back is good!

  8. You and your blog make me smile.
    You have been nominated for the Sunshine Reward! Check it out!

    1. Thank you so much Sarah, you made me smile today. I am honored.
