
Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Planning your Reading Events for this School Year

Do you know those people who are just super-organized?  The people who never miss a meeting or deadline and just always seem to be right on top of everything?  Well, I am not one of those people. I really want to be, but I am just not.  Life often moves too fast for me and I have trouble keeping up.  Throughout the school year, there are many exciting events that often pass me by because I just didn't know about them far enough in advance. 

So, in order to help organize my classroom reading events for this year, I have put together a calendar.  I will not likely participate in all of them, but I thought I would share the list (and calendar) with you so that you can use it to plan some of your reading events this school year. Here is a link to the reading event calendar. It is also located as a tab under my blog header.  It is a work in progress and I would love to hear any ideas you may have for additional events. 

Throughout the school year

One book, one school 
This is a powerful school-wide event that can really knit your reading community together.  The premise is very simple, every person in the school reads or listens to one chosen book.  This event could be broadened to include "one library" or "one community".  Visit and One More Page Books to get more ideas. 

Celebrate Book Releases 
Great books are constantly being released throughout the year.  Celebrate with a book birthday event!  John Schu has a book release calendar on his amazing blog so you can keep track of when your favorites will be released. 
Here are some ideas for other reading celebration events as shared on The Nerdy Book Club by Colby Sharp that you may consider weaving into your practice. There are other ideas under the event calendar.


September 8
International Literacy Day
Did you know that more than 780 million of the world's adults (nearly two-thirds are women) do not know how to read or write? According to the International Reading Association, between 94 and 115 million children do not have access to education.  Schools can observe International Literacy Day and support literacy in many ways. Visit Read, Write, Think for ideas. 

September 15
International Dot Day
Get ready to make your mark! International Dot Day is a day to celebrate the power and potential of creativity and self-expression.  Participants read The Dot by Peter Reynolds for inspiration.  Last year there were more than 850,000 participants. This year their goal is one million! 

September 30-November 8
Global Read Aloud
This event was founded by teacher, Pernille Ripp and is in its 4th year. It is intended to connect children around the world using a common read aloud.  Participants are encouraged to connect to other classrooms via Skype/Hangout, blogs, email etc. This year there are 4 book selections for various grade levels. I will be reading Out of My Mind by Sharon Draper to my 4th graders.  You can get more info on using this book during the Global Read Aloud by reading a previous post on my blog here.

January (2014 is Jan. 27)
ALA Youth Media Awards- This is when many children's book award winners are announced including the Caldecott and Newbery winners.  One of my favorite moments from last school year was watching my class' reaction when they heard that The One and Only Ivan won the Newbery. 

International Book Giving Day
Yes, it is Valentine's Day, but it is also International Book Giving Day. What better gift to give right? 

March 3 
Read Across America 
This is a long-running event.  There are many ways your school and class can celebrate Dr. Seuss and reading.

March 5
World Read Aloud Day
On WRAD you can participate by skyping with authors, inviting a guest reader or any way that works for you.


April-Poetry Month and School Library Month
Here are 30 ways to celebrate poetry

April 12
National DEAR Day
Drop everything and read today!

April 18
Poem in your pocket day  
I did this for the first time last year with my 
4th graders and it was so fun.

May- National Share a Story Month

 May 3
Free Comic Book Day- Ok, so it's not really a school event, but you will want to tell your students (and go stock up yourself).

May 5-11
Screen-Free Week- Again, not strictly a reading event, but students should be encouraged to read or participate in another activity instead of having screen time. 
Take the screen-free pledge

May 12-18
Children's Book Week
Yay! A whole week to celebrate books!

Please visit my reading event calendar to see these and other events.  Again, I would love to add your favorite literacy events to the calendar, so please leave a comment if you have an idea. 


  1. This is great! Thanks for putting this together.

    1. So I thought I replied to you yesterday, but apparently I just left a comment :) I hope you will use the calendar and share it with whomever you feel would like to use it. Thanks so much.

  2. Thanks for visiting Kate. I hope it will be helpful to a few people other than myself :)

  3. Thank you for creating the calendar. I think celebrating a few of the days in my classroom will help my students see more value in learning to read.
    Forever A Teacher, Forever A Learner

    1. Thought I replied to you yesterday, but apparently I just left a comment. I hope the calendar is helpful. Please feel free to share it.

  4. Glad you liked it. Hope it helps. Thanks so much for visiting.

  5. This is terrific, Gigi! I think I will make my own calendar to share with my colleagues. Here's one that we participate in every year, the annual African American Read-In: Thanks much for all this information!

  6. I'm glad you like it Linda. Please feel free to share the link with your colleagues or anyone else you think would like to use it. I will add your event for sure. Thank you so much.

    1. We've enjoyed doing it very much. Sometimes have made it a marathon-constant people reading all one day. Thanks for the share too!

  7. Hi! I love all the info. in your blog. I found you through Tally Tales - who nominated you for a Liebster Award. Congratulation! I'm your newest follower!
    Susan K.

  8. This is awesome! Thanks for taking the time to organize and info and links! It is extremely helpful!
    Michelle @litlearningzone

    1. Really glad to hear that Michelle. Please share the link with anyone you think could benefit from the calendar. Thanks a bunch!

  9. THANK YOU! I am so glad that I came across your blog! I have been on here for hours writing stuff down for this upcoming year with my new group of 4th graders! You my friend, are a rock star!

    1. I'm so glad you found it too! It took me a long time to pull it all together, but I think it will be worth the work. Please feel free to share the link and thanks for following my blog.

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