
Sunday, June 30, 2013

It's Monday, What Are You Reading July 1, 2013

Please visit the amazing blogs: Teach Mentor Texts and Unleashing Readers who hosts this terrific meme each week.

You know it's summer when I read too many books to post.  Here are the highlights from last week. Click on the cover to 
go to the book's page on

Picture Books


Middle Grade

Finished Reading

Finished Listening

Currently Reading

What Are You Reading Friends?


  1. I've got to read Rump-so many people have enjoyed it! I love the two (very different) books you listened to this week, but I didn't hear either of their audio versions. Were they well done audios? Sometimes it can really skew my opinions of a book depending on a well read or not so well read audio. I've got a copy of The Real Boy upstairs (along with millions of other books I want to read). Don't forget to submit your reviews of 2013s for MSBA! :) Love your input!

    1. Yes, both audios were very good. On the Day I died was neat to listen to because of all the different characters narrating the story. Shadow on the Mountain was a good audio with all the accents etc. I keep forgetting to review books for MSBA. Do you want ONLY the books I think are really good or any 2013 middle grade/Ya book?

  2. WoW! That is a TON of books. Rump caught my eye as something my sixth graders may like. I'll have to check it out.
    Coffee Cups and Lesson Plans

  3. Woah, you've been busy! I need to check out The Real Boy, Ursu is a wonderful writer.

  4. I read Mo Willems latest this week, too. I love those little AHA! moments at the end of his books. And I love Shana Corey for empowering, historical female characters. Lots of good books on your list this week! Rump is next up for me!


  5. I cannot wait to check out some of the picture books you listed above. There are MANY I haven't encountered before. :)

    Happy reading, Gigi.

  6. I REALLY want to read The Real Boy! I loved Breadcrumbs and have used it as a read aloud the past two years. Rump is also wonderful!

  7. You read A TON! I have always enjoyed the Miss Malarkey books. =)

    1. This was my first Miss Malarkey book. She reminded me of all of us!

  8. I really think Rump is a book for my daughter. It looks like a lot of fun. Wonderful picture books - on the look out for I Dare you not to Yawn!

    1. You seriously can not read it without getting sleepy :)

  9. Love the idea of Miss Malarkey, and have Rump on my list from your earlier Goodreads mention. You did read a lot this week, Gigi. The Mo Willems is one I don't know either! Thanks!

  10. I love having extra time to read in the summer! The Mo Willems book is his newest I believe. It is cute and has a surprise twist at the end.

  11. Yay for summer reading! I liked more Mo's latest non-Elephant/Piggie/Pigeon one more than I thought I would. It had me howling with laughter at the end! What'd you think of Shadow on the Mountain? And I'm really looking forward to Rump and The Real Boy!


    1. I really enjoyed Shadow on the Mountain more than I thought I would. It is on my state list so I am trying to read as many as I can.

  12. So many books to comment on! First, love the Mo Willems book - it was so clever and I think it'd be so much fun to read with a class. Here Comes the Girl Scouts is also a brilliant picture book biography. I have not read the rest, but they look good. I also haven't read the others, but The Real Boy is also on my soon TBR and Rump looks great!

    Happy reading this week! :)

  13. I have Rump on my TBR. I keep hearing good things about it. You seem to have found some fantastic picture books too! Your audio books look tempting also. So many books....

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