
Sunday, March 10, 2013

What Am I Reading This Monday? March 11

Please visit the amazing blog: Teach Mentor Texts 
who host this terrific meme each week. 

Here is what I read this week. 
Click on the titles to go to the book on 

Picture Books 

by David Covell        
An odd couple friendship.   
Kind of cute, but sort of strange.

Step Gently Out 
by Helen Frost
Beautiful close-up pictures of insects in a wonderful poem

by Mary Ann Hoberman                                    
Fun poems to read aloud. 

Graphic Novel

by Siena Cherson Siegel
I really enjoyed this autobiographical graphic novel 
about the life of a young ballerina. 

Currently Listening

by Grace Lin

Still Reading

by Kate Messner

by Laura Amy Schlitz

Very slowly reading aloud with my daughter

What Are You Reading?



  1. Helen Frost is one of my favorites-- she is the only one allowed to write a MG novel in verse, because she uses traditional forms so brilliantly! Looks like you have lots of good things to read.

    1. This is my first Helen Frost title. I will have to look for more.

  2. I just love Step Gently Out!! I got it for my library and I can't wait until the classes start their poetry unit. I really want to read Hide and Seek, and so do my students! What do you think of Splenders and Glooms?

    1. Hide and Seek is good. The verdict is stil out on S and G. It has some very rich language, but it's kinda creepy.

  3. I have heard so many wonderrful things about Step Gently Out ... on my must buy list!

  4. Are you enjoying Splendors and Glooms? How old is your daughter? Trying to figure out if my daughter will like it. She is 10. I must admit it doesn't totally grab me by description but I have heard so much that is great too. Hmm. . .

    1. I have to tell you Carrie that we are about 12% done and so far I would describe it as sad and creepy. The vocab is so rich that we have to stop every other sentence to discuss the meanings. I am not giving up on it yet. My daughter is 11. She thinks it is ok so far. We'll stop if she is not loving it soon.

  5. Will be very curious to hear how Splendors and Glooms goes over as a read aloud. Beautiful imagery and descriptive text. Step Gently has been on my list for a while, so I hope to get to it soon. And that Ballerina GN is a great one to know about! Thanks for sharing!

  6. Step Gently Out is a great book...makes me feel all quiet and calm just thinking of what's within its pages. :) I love Hide and Seek! I loved Capture the Flag but found the suspense even more exciting in Hide and Seek. I had to smile to see that you are reading Splendors and Glooms took me a long time to read but I think it was the book more than the reader. :)
