
Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Non-Fiction Picture Book Wednesday- Feb. 20

Please visit the Non-Fiction 
Picture Book Challenge Host- Kid Lit Frenzy 

Books from this week....

 Moses....When Harriet Tubman 
Led Her People to Freedom
by Carole Boston Weatherford
Illustrated by Kadir Nelson

Goodreads Summary
This poetic book is a resounding tribute to Tubman's strength, humility, and devotion. With proper reverence, Weatherford and Nelson do justice to the woman who, long ago, earned over and over the name Moses.

I recently (finally) discovered the work of amazing illustrator Kadir Nelson.  His illustrations are just fantastic and truly bring the story to life.  I learned a lot about how Harriet Tubman bravely escaped the south and then returned to save countless others. This book would make a great read aloud for any classroom studying slavery, civil rights and African American History. I highly recommend it. 

View Carole Boston Weatherford's Website here.
Check out the amazing art of Kadir Nelson here.

 The Boston Tea Party
by Russell Freeman
Illustrated by Peter Malone

Goodreads Sumary
Tells the story of the Boston Tea Party of 1773 from the arrival of the ships full of controversial taxed tea in Boston Harbor, through the explosive protest meetings at the Old South Church, to the defiant act of dumping 226 chests of fine tea into the harbor on December 16.

Being a teacher of The American Revolution, I am always looking for new books to share with my class.  This picture book was informative and gave some interesting "behind the scenes" facts about The Boston Tea Party that I did not know.  The illustrations are appealing, but not overbearing.  It would be a great read aloud for classes studying The American Revolution or anyone interested in early American history.  I will be asking our school librarian to add it to our collection.  

Click here to see Russell Freedman's Amazon website.
View Peter Malone's illustrations here.


  1. Don't you love Kadir Nelson books? I'm starting to build quite a collection of his titles!

  2. He is just amazingly talented. I just picked up his Joe Louis book at the library yesterday.
