
Monday, February 25, 2013

It's Monday Feb. 25- What Are You Reading?

Please visit the amazing blog: Teach Mentor Texts 
who host this terrific meme each week. 

Here is what I read this week.

Picture Books

Graphic Novel

Chapter Books
Twelve Kinds of Ice
The Dark Frigate
Far Far Away 

Currently Listening

The Voyages of Doctor Doolittle

Currently Reading

The 13-Story Treehouse
Splendors and Glooms

What Are You Reading?


  1. I enjoyed Dragon Loves Tacos so much. I have Twelve Kinds of Ice on my to-be-read list. I'm interested to see what you think about Splendors and Glooms. It's been on my to-be-read list, finally just got a hold of a copy. Thanks for sharing.

    1. I keep hearing mixed reviews for Splendors and Glooms...we'll see.

  2. Curious to see what you think of Splendors and Glooms. I enjoyed it but wondered about the appeal to students.

    1. I am reading it with my 11 years old daughter. We'll see what she thinks.

  3. I don't think there's a person in the world who can resist a book called "Dragons Love Tacos" :)

  4. I would love to read Splendors and Glooms but what happens is a little too creepy for me, but I hope you enjoy it as much as everyone else I know who read it. Twelve Kind of Ice was great, I hope you liked it.

    1. I did enjoy 12 kinds of ice. I wish sometimes that things were like that more these days. Just spending all that time outside and active must have been great.

  5. Are you doing the Newbery Challenge? The Dark Frigate is my least favorite to date! I tried and tried but found the prose to difficult to plow through. It's been the only one I've abandoned to date. :( I'm working my way forward (very slowly!) and am now soon to start Call it Courage (1941). And what did you think of Splendor and Glooms? Intriguing and well crafted, but I too am trying to think of kids who'd stick with it. Have a great week!


    1. Yes, I am slowly working my way through. I really did not care for The Dark Frigate at all. I think what kept me with it was that I was listening to it on audio. I think this made it more palatable. I can't imagine children enjoying it. I am just starting Splendors and Glooms tonight. I hope I like it.

  6. Good books, Gigi! Did you like Twelve Kinds of Ice. I thought it was very good. And I loved Dragons Love Tacos-hilarious. I enjoyed Splendors & Glooms quite a lot-it was tricky which was good!

  7. I really loved Twelve Kinds of Ice. What a wonderful story of a simpler (and in many ways better) time. I am trying one more night with Splendors and Glooms ith my daughter. So far, she is not impressed.
