
Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Three Arc Reviews

These books were provided by 

Odd Duck 
by Cecil Castellucci 
Illustrated by Sara Varon
96 pages
For ages 6 and up 
Expected Publication Date May 14, 2013

Link to Goodreads summary
Theodora the duck thinks she is an ordinary duck.  She likes living alone, her days are busy and are always the same.  She exercises, swims with a teacup on her head (to maintain her perfect posture), goes to the library and the market. She chooses not to migrate, instead preferring the familiar calm of the winter pond. Her dearest wish is to have her life remain exactly the same.  

Her peaceful, quiet life changed the day that Chad moved in next door.  He is a different sort of duck altogether.  He is messy, rude, smelly, unpredictable and, generally, everything Theodora is not.  However, Theodora tries to tolerate him, so as not to be rude, and is waiting until he flies south for the winter. To her surprise, Chad does not migrate south with the other ducks. 

Slowly the two begin to realize they have a few things in common, they both love star gazing, have the same taste in books and like the same foods.  They become inseparable best friends until a misunderstanding threatens to dissolve that friendship.  

Odd duck is a sweet graphic novel about acceptance and friendship.  It is colorfully illustrated and appropriate for younger children. In my opinion children ages 6-9 would really enjoy it.  

Breezier, Cheesier, Newest and Bluest 
What Are Comparatives and Superlatives?
by Brian P. Cleary
Illustrated by Brian Gable
32 Pages
Expected Publication Date: March 1, 2013
Link to Goodreads sumary 
This latest book in the Words Are CATegorical series is as good as all the rest. I have read and used many of the other books in this series and look forward to incorporating this one in class as well.  This wonderful author/illustrator team explains how to use and create comparative and superlative adjectives in interesting ways with fun words and silly pictures.  I would use this book with grades 2-5. 

Check out the author's terrific website here.

Like Bug Juice on a Burger
 by Julie Sternberg
Illustrated by Matthew Cordell
176 Pages
Ages 7 and up
Expected Publication Date: April 2, 2013

Link to Goodreads summary

This book is the sequel to Like Pickle Juice on a Cookie and I hope there will be more to come.  In this story, Eleanor is off to sleepover summer camp.  The trip was a gift from her grandmother.  Eleanor will be carrying on a family tradition as her mother attended, and loved, the same camp when she was young.  Eleanor thought it sounded like a good idea, but when the time to leave draws near, she begins to have doubts about leaving her parents. As soon as she arrives at Camp Wallumwahpuk, she starts to try to find a way to get home.  Many things go wrong for Eleanor at camp.  She hates the food,  her bed is uncomfortable, and she is the only one in her cabin that has to wear a life jacket (which she calls a diaper) to the water trampoline.  However, she also meets her new friend, Joplin, who is a camp veteran.  Perhaps, with Joplin's help, she might be able to tolerate camp after all. 

I really enjoyed first-person narration of this story. The reader can really see what Eleanor is feeling and thinking.  I also love Matthew Cordell's illustrations. I think children in grades 2-4 will enjoy this book. 


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