
Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Reading Resolution 2013

Today starts a new year with new reading possibilities.  I started this blog not quite 5 months ago and I have enjoyed reading, sharing and meeting some wonderful people. 
This new reading year I hope to keep reading new titles.   
But I also will be filling reading gaps (as described by Donalyn Miller)

Here are my 2013 reading resolutions…

1. Read at least 10 more Newbery books.  I have only read 26 of them so far.
2. Read more picture books, including non-fiction, to 
my students including one each school day in January.
3. Read at least ten books of poetry. 
4. Read at least 300 books.

While I am really looking forward to 2013 here are some of my favorites from 2012.

 Wishing you all a happy and healthy 2013!


  1. I like your specific list of books to read. My goal is 150 books of any kinds--picture, middle school books, adult and professional books. I am planning to do the #bookaday challenge during the summer. Here is my post.

    Good luck and have fun!


  2. Thanks Denise. I'll have to learn more about the #bookaday challenge. Sounds fun!

  3. I share some favorite books with you, and I now have a few more books on my "to read" list on goodreads thanks to your post. Good luck with your goal! I scaled my 2013 goal to 150 as I read 141 books last year.

    1. I get a lot of recs from other bloggers and I see a lot of the same books popping up. I set my goal a bit high since I plan to read more picture books and graphic novels. Happy New Year!

  4. I think we must like a lot of the same books, Gigi. I've read (& loved) most of these. Good luck with your reading goal!

    1. Yes Linda, I think we follow a lot of the same people. All our nerdy friends give such great recs. Happy New Reading!

  5. Wow! You have some ambitious goals! I set 300 as my goal number also. If you are looking for a good nonfiction list, check out the CYBILS. I was a first round poetry judge this year (one of your favorites, UNBEELIEVABLES, is a poetry finalist), but for a couple of years, I was on the nonfiction panel. We had some phenomenal nominations.

    1. Thanks Carol, I will have to check out the CYBILS lists. Part of my proble is not knowing what books are out there.
