
Monday, December 10, 2012

It's Monday What Are You Reading? Dec. 10

Please visit the amazing blog: Teach Mentor Texts 
who host this terrific meme each week. 

This was mostly a picture book week for me with a graphic novel and some early reader books thrown in.  I read some of the Nerdy Book Club nominees and some others just for fun.  

                     Cute!                       Kind of interesting, but                      Sweet, loved it!
                                                         not my favorite.

             Fascinating story and I'm             Gotta love Fly Guy!          A wonderful interpretation
                not even a sports fan.                                                           visually stunning! 

        So hilarious!  Sarcasm galore!                 Fascinating!                   My first Pete the Cat book.
                                                                                                              Long overdue.

               Loved the story and                  Funny, my students            Neat idea, but not my favorite.
                      illustrations.                           would like it.

                         Beautiful book with great pictures       LOVED it!  Must use to demo
                          and a simple yet effective story.                    writing process.
Mo Willems is a genius!

What's Next?  
A few chapters in. Liking it so far.

What are you reading?


  1. Really want to read Extra Yarn! Maybe over winter break I'll pick up my knitting needles again!

    1. You will especially like it if you are a knitter...very sweet.

  2. Enjoy Liar & Spy! Beautiful picture book selection - looking forward to reading the new Fly Guy!

    1. Thank you Dx4, I am enjoying it so far. Thanks for visiting today.

  3. I am always shocked to find new picture book I've never even heard of before. Brothers at Bat and Hanging on Jefferson's Nose both sound really interesting. I'll have to check them out. Thanks for the recs!

    1. I know Susan, there are SOOOO many books out there is is so hard to keep up. Thanks for stopping by.

  4. I love Pete the Cat. He is such a laid back guy.

  5. Well said Rocky. We should all take a lesson from him.

  6. We have several picture books in common this week! I think you're really going to like Liar & Spy. Don't forget that you can recommend 2012 titles to the MSBA committee! We love outside opinions!

    Have a great week!

  7. I loved Liar and Spy. I hope you continue to enjoy it. I think Stead is so talented. You read many of my favourites this week - The Beetle Book, More, Extra Yarn. I am also trying to read through all of those Nerdy Nominations! Lots of fun :-)

  8. About halfway done L&S now. Getting REALLY good. I am having trouble finding lots of the NBC nominee titles. Our libraries are a bit behind up here in Maine :)
