
Review Policy

Thank you for inquiring about my review policy. 
I am honored every time I am asked to read and review a new book.  I realize how much work goes into the publication of a book and I respect every author's desire to get his/her book into the hands of children. 

My main interest is in middle grade novels, picture books and non-fiction that would appeal to children in grades K-8. 

Books that I can positively promote will be reviewed in a full blog post review or a short "spotlight" feature. Books that I can not positively promote (because of my feelings about the reading or content) will not receive a blog post, but my thoughts will be posted on 

In my reviews I give my honest opinion about what I see as the strengths and weaknesses of a book based on my experience as a teacher, reader and parent. My reviews are relatively short and are meant for educators and parents; they are not literary critiques. The books I review come from my own purchases, libraries and advanced reader copies (ARC'S) or books provided by publishers. I am not and have not been paid to review any books. 

Because I work full-time, have a family and serve on The Maine Student Book Award Committee, I can not always agree to a certain time frame in which to read and review a book, but I try hard to post reviews as quickly as possible. 

Authors, agents or publishers can contact me via email ( I will also consider inquiries from those interested in writing a guest post or doing an author interview. 

Sorry, I do not review self-published titles. 

Thanks again for visiting! 
